Factory nipples


New member

I have seen this topic come up on this forum so many times it's unbelievable. Let's face it, I find it hard to believe that with all of the companies that manufacture reproduction black powder firearms, I simply find it unlikely that they make their own nipples. I do not know this for a fact. Why else would we hear over and over my Uberti likes a number 10 or from someone else my Uberti likes a number 11? Same thing with Pietta and numerous others. We also hear occasionally, nothing works on mine. These companies are all in business to make money and will buy nipples from whoever can provide the most cost effective and fall within the lines of functioning properly meaning, the proper thread and length nipple. Diameter, does not seem to be much of a factor.

In my years, I have put a micrometer to many and many nipples. I have not seen much of a standard. Just because YOUR Ubertii likes on number 10, someone else's might not. It all depends on when it was made and who supplied the nipples being put into the cylinder.

I have also heard here, some who do not like aftermarket nipples as they had problems, cap jams, bad strikes and cylinders not firing properly. First of all, you are going to get cap jams no matter what you do. Secondly, if you are getting misfires or weak strikes the nipple is most likely not long enough and does not fit the hammer and cylinder correctly, or the wrong size cap.

I have many many cap and ball black powder firearms. I use the same nipples in all of them. The first thing that I do, is take the factory nipples out and replace them withTreso/Ampco nipples. This way, they all use the exact same cap and I don't have to have several different size caps for this, that and the other thing and I don't have to remember which one uses what.

I have also heard here, that some only replaced a couple of nipples that were bad and part of the revolver took one size cap and the rest of the cylinders took another size! Seriously? Also, that some left the nipples in for so long the gas eroded the inside of the nipple out so badly that it blew the hammer backwards and in some cases even recocked the hammer!

I believe that it is our job here on this forum to help those who are newcomers, wish to get into black powder, and enjoy the fun and the smoke with the least amount of problems. I also believe it is our job to give them excellent advice. This is what they seek here. It is also unfortunate, that some here don't know any better and simply do not give these new guys good advice. Considering all of the above, how can anyone realistically advise someone else on what size cap they might need?

All the best and burn powder!


Having been around many manufacturing jobs and facilities for years.
I pretty much agree.
I would presume that Uberti, Pietta etc don't make the nipples themselves.
They put out a bid contract.
Just like Ford and Chevy. They don't make every little piece.
Chevy uses Delco remy for starters and alternators (at least they did)
Ford used to use Philco for the radios.
Harley has head light parts from Germany on some motorcycles.
Montgomery wards (now defunct) and sears do not make their appliances.
They just rebranded them.
I'm sure the same goes with Ted Cash, he makes some things of course, but bet some items are put out on a bid contract to his specs and rebrands them.
Same with Traditions. They don't actually make everything, if anything.
They rebrand the item and sell it under their name.
I have two 35+ year old navy Arms 44 cal Remingtons. It appears they were made by Uberti though.
They still have the original nipples in them, as I haven't had a problem with them to date.
# 10 caps fit fine.
But my newer ones in the last 4 yr, None seem to fit properly.
Change in nipple design, less attention to specs or quality control?
or have cap makers gotten sloppy?
But in the end I agree.
Each owner will in the end have to determine what is best for his own individual gun.
Sometimes as in the OP. You might just have to replace all the nipples with the same brand to get a good fit across the board.
I too have been changing my new ones out to all Treso, because I get a good price on them( sometimes a dealer account comes in handy) and I kinda like the gold colored look against the dark blue of the cylinder. Plus They all are now #11 caps, rifle and pistol. Except two rifles use Musket caps. But I do have nipples on hand to change them to #11 if the need arises!
In my experience, the Remington design is more forgiving with cones than the Colt designs.

All of our Remingtons still run their original cones whereas most of the Colts from ASM and Pietta and Uberti started having troubles either from the beginning or after several hundred rounds and have been changed out already with Treso or Track of the Wolf cones.

Curiously, our Pietta Spiller and Burr had trouble with its factory cones and now sports Track's cones and is now 100% reliable.