Fackler Vs. Marshall

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They would never try to beat each other up. It's some of the rest of us who use one or the other to support our views on stopping power, by referring to the one that supports his preconceived notions, while often unjustly criticizing the other. Seems to me, that for the open minded, there's something to be learned from each, without worshiping either.

Alright, I took the bait and replied to a question from someone who wants to stir up trouble and sit back and amuse himself during the ensuing arguments. :D
What Nnobby45 said.

If there was one true 100% accurate testing method, the ammo manufacturers would be using it and advertising that theirs was "The Best!".

Each group can provide data, based on their theories, about what might work. Regardless of caliber or bullet design, handguns are puny stoppers.

You have to be prepared for the possibilitythat the bad guy hasn't read your pet theory and doesn't know he's supposed to fall down.
+1, I think that they both do a credible job of trying to figure out what works. I alos think that many bashers try to read something into thier writings that is'nt there.
Why and what would it prove. I don't think the handgun stopping power will ever be resolved because at the moment there is not an exact method for testing and measuring ammo that applies in every instance to field work.
One is a friend, the other has some great work.

While they may have differences, it is my belief that both want the best ammo available for the good guys.
You guys are really, really right on. I've read stuff in magazines and (especially) all over the internet, usually really slamming Marshall or Fackler. It can get pretty vicious. It's so silly, and so needless.

Some stuff each of them says makes sense to me. Boils down to whether you like big and slow or fast and little. Regardless, I wouldn't want to be shot with ANYTHING, even things both Fackler and Marshall would agree were very poor stoppers.

There is no perfect way to conclusively determine stopping power. Period.

Bullet placement matters more than caliber or ammo, and a handgun isn't something you really ought to put a lot of faith in when it comes to stopping determined attackers anyway. I think Both Marshall and Fackler would agree with that, by the way.

My two cents' worth.
You guys are really, really right on. I've read stuff in magazines and (especially) all over the internet, usually really slamming Marshall or Fackler. It can get pretty vicious. It's so silly, and so needless.

Oh yeah?!?!? And Fackler can kick your butt too!! (or do I like Marshall??? I forget sometimes)

my money's on Ed Sanow

Having met Ed, (great guy, knows his stuff), my money's on him. He has a heck of a reach. Plus those other guys are getting kind of long in the tooth for a bumfight deal :rolleyes:
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