Fabulous Youth Day Results


New member
Two youngest eligible hunters bag nice deer on Youth day. First was grandson, getting a 125 lb 4-pointer at 7:30 am (50 yards), then granddaughter (from another family) with a 175 yard one-shot kill down a snowmobile trail, getting a 144 lb doe.

The rifles used for the one-shot kills: Rem 700 ADL, rebarreled to .243 Win and Tikka T3 Lite .243 Win. Ammo in both "cases" was 80 grain Hornady GMX, ahead of 43 grains of IMR 4350 in Rem cases, CCI Standard primers. Both rifles have factory stocks, but the Rem has a PAC-NOR Supermatch barrel. Both can shoot sub-1/2 MOA.

The grandson's shot was through the left shoulder, exiting through the right ribcage. The granddaughter's shot entered just below the spine, fully penetrated, taking the lungs as well.

Can't get any better than that for this older guy!
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A couple of pictures attached, showing the grandkids and their fathers. I showed up after the boy got his and his dad called me. I was within earshot when the granddaughter got hers. It was a "magical" day for all involved. (I wasn't aware of a bet between the kids for the first deer killed.)

The granddaughter passed up two deer at 300 yards, a buck and a doe, at her father's suggestion. He reinforced the need to make sure of the shot. It worked out very well.

Sorry if I seem a bit proud...can't help it.


  • Maddie's Deer 2014 b.jpg
    Maddie's Deer 2014 b.jpg
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  • Matt's Deer 2014 c.jpg
    Matt's Deer 2014 c.jpg
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My head isn't as swelled as the Dads', but the kids' were trash talking each other like crazy at the post-tagging breakfast. "My deer was first. My deer was heavier. My shot was farther. The bet was first deer, so you owe me breakfast. My deer....." It went on and on. The fathers and I just grinned.

The waitress, a hunter also, said, "Did you take bites of the raw hearts? If you didn't, the next buck you see will gore you with his antlers." The kids weren't scared by that a bit. LOL
Awesome for both the youngsters, cant wait till my grandkids are old enough. Also great to hear they were taken with a 243...
That is awesome. No reason to not be proud of that. I was lucky enough to be sitting with both my daughters when they shot their first deer.

Sat with the youngest in the morning while my buddy took the oldest. Youngest shot a button buck. Oldest was worried she wouldn't get a deer. Evening hunt I sat with the oldest and my buddy took the youngest. Oldest shot a doe at about 50 yards off hand with a 20 gauge slug gun. The youngest busted hers with my Browning Maxus 12 gauge shooting 00 buck at about 20 yards
Best work you will ever do !!!

Moments such as this and the time you spend with your kids, is priceless. Something that the bunny-huggers will never understand. .... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
My youngest took a beautiful 100 lb doe yesterday morn, with one shot at 100 yds, completely eliminated heart. That was his practice limit with his brothers .270.

Im proud of his shooting, offhand at that distance would have been an amazing shot for anybody, but we took him to range last saturday and he left there with his last three shots being 2" high and a 1"group.....and he was comfortable with recoil...
The pressure is on now for me and his siblings! !!!!
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Congrats to everyone who has seen their kids, grandkids, etc. get game. Some kids have no idea where meat comes from, either domestic or wild.

Mainah: Yes conditions were perfect for Youth day. I've rarely seen that much deer movement in such a small area.

Yesterday's Noreaster, the earliest recorded, had the opposite result. Deer fed all night and when we got out, we could hardly walk through the woods, due to all the 2-3" dia. hardwoods that had bent over, touching the ground. There was about 4" of snow over them and other trees, making it very difficult to see more than a few yards. There was about 8" of snow on the ground in the woods, making it tough walking and crossing stone walls, etc.

We're hoping the trees will spring back, so we can take vehicles down the woods road later this week.

Good luck to all.
I hear you Picher, hate it when I haven't finished raking and then I have to grab the snow shovel. And now the deer are spooked by the weather and by hunting season. I hope you have power.