I bought this baby used with the original case some time ago. I keep reading that it has screw in interchangeable chokes but the threads are on the outside and what is screwed on there is the keeper for the heat shield. I have seen some chokes for it on sale but I'm wondering if there are other model variations and mine isn't meant for these screw on chokes? I can't find a decent photo of the chokes to see how they are threaded. The only possible way I can imagine a choke screwed onto an outside threaded barrel could work would be if the choke was made like a muzzle brake of sorts? Anyone here have an FP6?
I'm also considering a Choate tube extension..but I've read one account where the heat shield cap/keeper/whatever it's called gets in the way of the swivel stud and negates the use of a sling? Not sure I can live with that. Is this true or did someone not screw something in tight enough?