FA91 Carbine or M-444

Have settled down to the FA91 Carbine and IAI M-444(FAL) for my next .308 rifle...My problem is this, have only enough "green" for one. I've handled the FA91 Carbine and I like the way it feels, and yes, I am aware of the difference in receivers between it and the "normal" H&K receivers. The only real question I have is this, how much noise does that muzzle brake put out? I had a DTI mil brake on an FMP 91, was 1988, and that rifle was loud, even with a std barrel. I've yet to see or handle the M-444. If anyone has opinions or working knowledge of either of these rifles, I'd appreciate your comments. Thanks in advance, traintrackker.
I've got an M-444 FAL, and I love it. It's a great shooter, magazines are cheap ($5-$8 apiece), it points very well for me, and wasn't terribly expensive (about $750 including transfer fees). Of course, I like the FAL design better than the HK91 design, it's easier to clean and field strip, easier to clear in case of a misfire (it breaks open like a shotgun) and I can adjust the amount of gas that operates the gun. Were I you, I'd research the HK91 and FAL, and see which one appeals to you, they both have their advantages and disadvantages.
If it was an SAR8(preban) or a REAL HK91 I'd take one but, Considering the restriction of funds I'd take the M444. Without hesitation. It is a better built rifle then the FA91 parts gun.
Tons of add ons for an FAL. Very Reliable too.
Get the IAI over the FA.