Eyesight issues: Blind in1 eye & can't see out of the other.

Gary Wells

New member
Eyesight issues: Blind in 1 eye & can't see out of the other

About 2 years ago I was advised by an eye that I had advanced Glaucoma & needed to see an eye clinic that specialize in Glaucoma & Cataract surgery in both eyes. Before I could do that I was admitted by my primary doctor to the hospital for toe surgery. Djue to an infection I lost 3 toes & a major portion of the outboard side of my left foot. After 6 days in the hospital I was sent home to receive in home nurse service 7 days a week. My recovery time was exceptional slow due to the location of the remaining wound. It was 8 months before I could get into the eye clinic for the cataract surgery. I lost sight in my dominant right eye & had the surgery done on both eyes. 2 yrs ago for the toe surgery & about a year ago for the cataract surgery. My left eye is now my dominant eye with 20-40 corrected vision& virtually 3 fingers sight with my now non dominant right eye.
As a consequence my peripheral vision along with other characteristics has gone you know where & I am not only having problems with my shooting but with my driving. Due to the fact that my right eye was shot they reduced the power & upped the magnification of my now dominant left eye. My peripheral vision is no longer split in the middle of the center of the eyeballs. When pulling up to a gas pump on the shotgun side of the car it looks like I am right on top of the pump when really I am like 6 feet away & the hose sometimes will not even reach. The vision looking the other way (left) is just the opposite but not quite as bad. Going around corners or tight sweepers is virtually nerve shattering. I did asy my eye surgeon a while back and he said that he thought that it was non correctable. Appreciate any help, counsel, or people having similar issues. I have an eye appointment for new glasses in 3 weeks and I've got to come up with ideas.Many thanks in advance.
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Good luck, God bless, and get a second (or third) opinion. There are so many advancements in ophthalmology ongoing that one doctor may not be aware of something new that can help you.
Gary, I wish you well in getting some relief from all of this. It sounds like you're carrying a lot on your shoulders. I'd suggest you visit a major teaching hospital with a good/great eye clinic. I'm lucky where I live here in WNY (not for gun reasons, it sucks that way). We have the Flaum Eye Center in Rochester, NY, where they have many, many great eye doctors. There are a couple of other places in the North East also. If it's possible for you to do so, I'd recommend you get in touch with one of these places. There are many good things taking place today in improving and saving vision and they may be able to help. Good luck my friend.
The Johnson City Eye Hospital in Johnson City TN is a place to investigate. they may be able to offer some aid and guidance. As 2nd opinion at the least. GL