I owe a debt to you all for helping to open my eyes to the little things that add up. Things I missed before become crystal clear. Take for example tonight. I wanted to do a fast search on .40 cal. pistols that had a de-cocker mechanism. I went to the quick and easy "Ask Jeeves" search engine and typed in my question. As I am scrolling down I noticed a "standard question" of "where do I learn about gun rights (choice) from an anti gun organization! Of 3 choices given 2 of the 3 were obvious anti-rights. That peaked my interest so I typed in variations using the word gun. You guessed it.. it always came back with that standard question with the same answer. At this point the SOB is POed! I went to the home page and clicked their "give us feed-back link" and gave them some with a 2nd amendment slant. I questioned why they thought an anti gun rights would have a clue as to what gun rights were and that in reality if you took the word "gun" away their true agenda would surface. I also informed them that I was a consumer and used their search engine frequently. I asked for a response and that they correct this mistake and that I could not abide by anyone supporting group that would deny me my God - given and Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Maybe a few more letters from this learned association may help. What the heck it was a good 7 minutes of free "therapy time" for the SOB.