Eye & Hearing protection for the coming dove hunt.


New member
I've searched this forum and didn't find any specific answers I'm looking for.
I've dove hunted since I was 5. I've always had earprotection, but it's the plane-jane foam plugs and I hate them. I usually only wear 1 in my left ear. I was wondering what type of plus ya'll use. Specifically, are the Super Sound Bafflers, from Silencio, any good? http://www.silencio.com/plugs.html
I see they're rated at 7dB. I thought the higher the rating the more noise they restrict. I'm thinking about getting a pair of those.

I'm pretty sure any type of glasses will do. I'm looking at a pair of these in Copper Blue Block. I'm always squinting opening day. I will probalby use them while at the range as well. Unless the tint is no good for in doors.
What do you guys use?
Yeah, Mitch, you're right about the sound rating.

I don't think that I'd go with a product that only offers 7dB of protection--especially considering that most muffs and plugs are in the mid 20s. I'm wondering if that's not a typo. I looked at Silencio's page, and all the other plugs range from 23dB to 30 dB. You might call Silencio just to check.

I use the Red-E-Fit plugs. They offer 30dB of protection.
Hello MitchSchaft,

The FUN-85 are my choice for outdoor shooting, especially hunting, I can hear well and they do "clip" the noise well. The dB rating is misleading as the baffles do stop the damaging impluse noise they just don't stop all the sound hence the low rating.

FWIW I recommend blowing into each plug before starting shooting to check that the baffle actually shuts.


that's awesome. Are they any more/less comfortable than foam plugs? I went ahead and ordered the shooting glasses above. Now all I need are muffs for the range:D
Hearing protection while Dove hunting? It sounds like a good idea, but I might not hear someone telling me to duck when Bubba starts wing shooting something flying low between him and me!:D Seriously, it sounds like a good idea. I just have never worn hearing protection while hunting. What's that you say?:)
as posted by TBAUS:

I just have never worn hearing protection while hunting. What's that you say?

Neither did granddad, of course when he passed away he was almost stone deaf.

Wear something. Anything. I was at a concert recently (1st time in 12 years) and wound up putting cigarette butts in my ears after the 1st tune. Hearing is weird, once it's gone, it ain't coming back!
Heck, I'm considering my Peltor 6s for deer hunting, and I might invest in some Walker Game Ears for next year. I've already lost some hearing and don't want to lose anymore.

As for dove hunting, I shoot too much NOT to wear hearing protection. Also, since I hunt public hunts, eye protection is in order. I'd feel pretty silly if I got pelted with some shot and lost an eye.
I always wear plugs when bird hunting. Before you give up on foam, you should try some different styles. Some are more comfortable than others. I prefer the Howard Leight "MAX" plugs myself. Soft, comfortable, and a 33NRR. Order from Lindensafety.com or similar in boxes of 500, and they're pretty darn cheap.
Hello TBAUS,

That is the advantage of the FUN-85, you hear reasonable normally, they are designed to "clip" the loud impluse noise.

Hello MitchSchaft,

They share the same design with many other ear plugs, I don't find them uncomfortable.

Hello Guyon,

You should see me on a public hunt, I look like a Tango advert ( large Orange man for the non-UK viewers http://www.tango.co.uk/tango/index). When I went on my first public hunt the first day I had the minimum blaze orange on. After walking to and from the hunt area I reconsidered and that night purchased orange every thing including a orange sheet which I drap on the bushes behind my shooting spot. ( Now if I could just get an orange bullet proof vest with trauma plates...LOL )


So are the Fun-85 hearing protectors a ear plug type device? If so, where can you get them around Austin and for how much? I wear standard hearing protectors for range shooting, but the bulky head gear would be too much for hunting.
I've got a picture of them in the link in my original post. I just bought a pair for $10 online.

And there's no way I'm wearing orange to a dove hunt! That would defeat the purpose of needing earplugs.:p
I've tried them on and they feel just as uncomfortable as any other earplug. But, it doesn't have that entirely muffled sound. They're supposed to block "impulse noises". I think they're going to work out pretty good. I can't hear my heartbeat with these!
Hello MitchSchaft,

Remember to blow down them before you wear them each time to check that the valve actually moves stopping the air ( and thus noise ) getting through, it not unknown for the valve to stick.


I bought a pair at Academy too and will also post my impressions after opening weekend. BTW they were $7.99 at Academy, not $4.00. :(

Said I'd post back...

I didn't like them. One worked, the other was just an earplug with a hole in it because the baffles wouldn't close.

They muffled everything such that normal conversations were difficult and you can forget hearing the guy 100 yards away hollering to let you know that some doves are fixing to pop over the treeline behind you... I used them for 5 minutes and stuck em in my pocket.

Not worth it. May try some electonic muffs, but probably not for dove hunting. The shotgun in a wide open field just doesn't have a loud enough crack to warrant it.
