Extreme Close Quarters Concepts Class Review


New member
This is the review that I posted shortly after attending this class.//

On Sunday 18 July, it was my distinct pleasure to attend the inaugral Extreme Close Quarters Concepts class taught by the gentleman known as SouthNarc.

First, a bit of backstory. SouthNarc is the webname of an undercover narcotics officer who works for an agency on the third coast. He has spent the last 14 years on the job and prior to his LEO career, he served in the US Army. SouthNarc has developed an internet following primarily due to his ability to communicate complex ideas and concepts effectively through the internet. His PSPs are available, free and for all to see, at www.selfdefenseforums.com. Based on the quality of thought and work that went into his posts and PSPs on SDF, he and I began talking and swapping emails some years ago. He made the drive to work with my weekly training crew and my respect for him grew even more. He has developed and taught law enforcement and military courses over the years, but had never ventured into private sector training. After much conversation, SN and I decided to coordinate a date/time/location for a class dealing with, what we both agree is, the most dangerous range [ECQ/ 0 to 5 feet/insert catchy acronym here].

Now, the class. Class started at approximately 1000hrs 18 July at a private range outside of Lake Charles. There were seven students, including a marriage counselor from New Orleans, a kindergarten teacher from St. Gabriel and a nurse from Mississippi. It almost sounds like a setup for a joke, doesn't it? Everyone was extremely motivated and glad to be present. This was not small feat, given that the lowest temp of the day was 98-degrees in southwest Louisiana.

We began with introductions, course goals and safety lecture, then straight to the range to begin working the fundamentals of a combative drawstroke. As the draw became more natural, we progressed to firing at various points throughout 'stroke' [as SN refers to the process of presenting the gun to threat]. Integration of the foundation drawstroke into the use of the horizontal elbow was followed by having shooters begin at contact distance, drawing into horizontal elbow, firing while retreating [extending the gun as distance allowed] and while closing the distance [compressing as distance demanded.]

Having gained a base familiarity with 'stroke', we moved on to developing a default cover position [aka the 'notaflinch'] which allows the person, when taken unawares, to minimize the damage of incoming blows and to allow you options of response. This was done with the aggressor wearing a fist helmet and chest protector and the defender wearing a fist helmet. Everyone got a number of good solid reps on this critical, and often overlooked, skillset.

Next, we cleared all live weapons and were searched by another student prior to the issuance of Glock 17T simunition guns [Blue Glocks] and began to work gun access into the material. Again, everyone got a number of good solid reps and, also, got to see the need for concepts rather than rigid A-B-C 'plans'. Watching how every situation worked through slightly differently but that the core concepts were always present in every sucessful iteration was invaluable in forcing the paradigm shift in the students.

After working stand-up stuff, we began working on dealing with problems when you are on the ground and your aggressor is standing and, also, multiple, upright aggressors while you are grounded. Again, outstanding workup.

I have been a student of defensive skills for a long time, and a trainer in my own right, for some time. I am aware of most of the programs of instuction being taught for "integrated skills training". SouthNarc is, hands-down, one of the most dialed-in trainers out there teaching skills for the zero to five feet range. If you ever get the opportunity to train with him, do not miss it. You will not be disappointed. Sore, tired, aching....maybe, but disappointed, never.

Here are some other student reviews following the second class, held in Atlanta last Saturday 14 August.



