Thanks to all who jumped in to help on this thread. It is true that I only tried two types of shells since that was all I had with me that day. First the cheap "western" stuff I mentioned, and then some AA reloads my Dad had laying around the house. 95% of the problem was with the Western ammo, but two out of 25 AA reloads did the same thing. Thats why I started to wonder what was going on. Trust me, the chamber was clean. I scrubbed it with a brush soaked in Hoppes #9, dried it clean, and repeated the proceedure. Dad never mentioned any problems with the gun, but then again, he rarley used it. And when he did, it was high brass ammo for waterfowl. The gas system is functioning fine with the low brass, it's just this darn extraction problem. I'm going to the range again this saturday, so I'll put a couple of boxes of factory loaded AA through it. That might help answer the question. Also a good point made about breaking in the gun. It doesn't have many rounds through it, and if it's anything like my AR15, it needs to be used a good bit before it gets smooth. Thanks again for all the replies, will post later with the results of "breaking it in".