Extra ammo or one more weapon?

Extra ammo or one more weapon?

  • Extra ammo/ reloading supplies

    Votes: 59 85.5%
  • One more weapon

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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If you could get either extra ammo/ reloading supplies or one more weapon before this election, at a reasonable price, what would you choose?
I picked ammo,now granted a person can't have to many weapons but what good is a weapon without ammo,ammo is my focus for right now until we see what happens,I have weapons set up for each member of my family with plenty of others for back up and each one has a good amount of ammo but I like to stack it deep for my main weapons and I also have taken up buying powder/bullets/primers and some brass,I have dies for all my main caliber's so I have backup there also......
Buy it cheep and stack it deep :D well as cheep as you can find it now.
I've got enough reloading components to probably last me till I can't shoot no more. I doubt there will be a significant "bannic" shortage after this election, seems lately mass shootings are what drives the "bannics". Shortages before were created by us. Production rates, limited suppliers, reduced inventories because of the poor economy and logistics contributed. Much of that is now gone. With the huge amount of guns sold in this country in the last 8 years, there's is going to ammo around to feed them. One more gun will help me shoot mine up.
Just a example but when that .223 round that cost .32 cents ends up costing .64 cents a round because of some unconstitutional tax is when a person wishes they would of stacked it deep ;). Sometimes when I go shoot and have cash on me I'll stop in town and buy ammo for that day and not touch what I have at home,keeps my home supply healthy.
I would go with one more weapon as long as I wasn't dangerously low on ammo. The way I see it is even if the price does go up due to a tax or something an ammunition ban won't happen until years after a firearm ban leaving ammunition available longer.
Ammo... I have guns and parts... I could live with the guns I have forever if I had to. I got all my gun wants out of the way in anticipation of the election.

If there's no panic, then great, the prices were awesome
On most guns I've spent significantly more on ammo than the initial cost of the gun. The only (current) exception is my new Barrett M107A1. At the current rate of firing though, I may exceed the weapon cost in a few years.

So I'll take the ammo. (and don't tell my wife)
After what happened after the last two elections,,,

After what happened after the last two elections,,,
I'm definitely going for more ammunition.

Without ammo,,,
Guns are just expensive clubs.


It not about how much you keep it's about how much could it go up in price after the election if a certain person gets elected,the progressives have tried the 2nd amendment route and that's failed so they will/could raise the taxs on ammo and weapons to the point it's to much to buy thus getting around our 2nd amendment through unconstitutional taxes.
It would depend greatly on whether there is a weapon that I've wanted for a good while that likely would be directly effected by silly magazine capacity, semi-auto restriction, or AWB type legislation. Personally I have about all the guns that fall in this category that I really want, so I suppose I'm good.

Excluding that rifle or handgun that you've always wanted that stands a real chance of being impacted by the election, I vote for ammo/reloading supplies.
The last time we had a supply problem ..most of the issues were created by hoarders and "hoarding profiteers"... ..... / while political uncertainty had something to do with the paranoia... resisting the paranoia is the smart choice.

Regardless of the outcome of any election ..state or federal....I personally make sure I have enough reloading components to last a year ( for what I routinely shoot in terms of quantities ). On the high side - I might have 18 months ...and when it gets down to a 12 month supply -- I replenish in case lots ( 9mm bullets I buy come 4,000 to a case / powder in 8 lb cannisters / primers in 5,000 case lots...)...
Too many variables to answer.
How much ammo do you already have?
How many firearms do you already have?

In short, if you have 30k rounds of ammo for your one firearm then the answer would be different than if you had 300 firearms and 50 rounds of ammo for them.

For me, we have laws going on the books for ammo purchases and assault weapons in January so I'm buying both...
manta49 said:
Whats the election got to do with the amount of ammo you keep. ?

Past history has proven that the Democratic party is much more anti-gun than the Republican party. If they were to win, Americans can expect substantial efforts to limit access to guns and ammo by bans, legislation, legal decisions, and/or taxes. The 9 person Supreme Court, which interprets US laws, has made several 5-4 decisions favorable to gun owners over the last several years. There is one vacancy now to be appointed by the next President (appointments are for lifetime), with most likely several more due to old age within the next few years. Past history, again, has demonstrated that Democratic party appointees will NOT rule in favor of gun owners.

The efforts of their senior senator (elected in 1992) Dianne Feinstein are typical.


Dianne Feinstein is the current senior senator in the U.S. Senate representing California. Prior to her time in the Senate, she ran for Governor of California, and was Mayor of San Francisco. Feinstein tends to be seen as a moderate in the Senate. She has worked to ban civilian firearm ownership.

Discussing why the 1994 act only prohibited the manufacture or import of assault weapons, instead of the possession and sale of them, Feinstein said on CBS-TV's 60 Minutes, February 5, 1995, "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here."
One more weapon. High capacity. Black.

On my list:

CZ Bren - pistol or carbine
Grand Power K100

I'll work on more ammo at a later date....if necessary.
Recently my youngest daughter bought her first house. Although she doesn't own or like guns so she say's. She really needs something in the house for her self protection other than that overly friendly slobbering mutt she has. Shame, all of my current handguns shoot calibers I doubt she could handle. Thus the reason she needs something special to fit just >her.
No short barreled shotguns or AR 15 nonsense. I'll pass on that Taurus Judge thingy too. I'm thinking maybe one of those little HK P-2000 SK models 3 or 4 spare clips some sort of quick opening lock box for its securing plus a few shooting lessons by a indoor Gun Range Pro. (only because they say its best to be taught by some other than family. When it comes to learning proper & how's too)
Yup!! I'm sure she could handle that dandy little HK 9mm.
Especially since she can get all the ammo she needs from her Daddy to practice with. Free. No charge. >Ever.

Shoot!! I suppose I'll have to bite the bullet for its Registration but I'll sell it to her for 5.00 ($) so it's not a straw purchase in the eyes of the Law. Her very own hand-gun to rely on in a emergency without ever having to worry about confiscation no matter who the future President/s might be. So to answer ATN082268 question;
One more handgun purchase is all I'll require. I just got to find the time to get er done is all. Being retired. Damn I seldom have any spare time._:D
If a certain person gets elected, it will undoubtedly cause an ammo shortage the likes of which we haven't seen before.
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