External Adjustment 'Scope Mounting Blocks

Doc Lisenby

New member
I have misplaced the subject blocks for my Unertl Rifle Scope that fit on my pre-64 Win Model 70 with heavy varmint barrel (243 Win). I called George Mitchell of Mitchell Optics 'cause he is the only one I know who makes these type 'scopes and he is sending me a pair which he thinks will work and he gave me a name of a guy who makes them. If you have ever tried to mount a 'scope on a Winchester Mod 70, you know the hassle of getting the right set of internal adjustment mounts, now I'm trying to get the external ones. I know they are around here somewhere (famous words of old gunsmiths). George, have you heard of anyone who might have a set? The ones in GPC aren't the ones. Doc
Sorry, Doc. I don't know of anyone right off hand. I'll keep my "strained" eyes open for you though and if I run across anyone I'll give you a shout. George
I was reading Jeff Cooper's latest, and he mentioned development efforts on ext-adj mounts for fixed-power scopes. Reminded me of the old Stith mounts, used with B&L scopes some 40 years or so ago.

I went to my Wild-Animal box, and Lo! An old Stith. Heavy & clunky. If somebody can use it, I'll ship it UPS COD-shipping or some such. I don't need it...(And, no, I don't know what sort of rifle it was on. Maybe, just maybe, a Model 70, but maybe a Mauser 98.)

Apparently there's a developing market "out there" for a lighter-weight, cleaner-lined adjustable mount. Talk to Jeff...

Best regards...
Talked to Jeff Cooper on the subject of external adjustment scopes late last month. He stated that there may be something in the, perhaps near future -- and that was all he would say on the subject. GLV

Talk about being a**backwards. I inheirited a scope which needs just those types of external adjustment mounts. If I keep the scope, I have to buy the mounts and a rifle to go with it. Maybe I can convert the 10/22 since I just got a heavy barrel?