Explanation, please?


New member
I'm a handloader, rifle and handgun shooter, but I do own an in-line mussel loader, which I rarely shoot. But I'm going on a deer hunt in October where that is the weapon of choice, so I went out to sight it in today.

First, let me say I forgot to bring parts of the equipment needed to clean the rifle between shots.

My first 2 shots were at 50 yards with 2 pellets of Pyrodex, with a 253 gr bullet, "semi-sabot" in that it only has the green plastic base and not an entire shield. Tip is like a Nosler Ballistic Tip or Hornady SST. One shot was dead center, 3-3/4 " high; the second was DC and 3-1/4" high.

I couldn't clean the gun so I shot one round with 2 pellets of Triple Seven at 50 yards. Again, DC and 3-1/2 " high.

I figured I was pretty close to on the bull at 100 yards so I forced another shot with Triple Seven at 100 yards. Much to my surprise it was 3-3/4" high and one inch to the right.

Why was this shot the same trajectory at 100 yd as those at 50 yards?
I do not know the ballistic curve for that round but 50 and 100 could be at the same elevation or point, not sure the best term for it, on the curve.
A fouled barrel tends to increase velocities, much like a tighter crimp does in metallic cartridges.

Also, don't discount the possibility of that 100 yard shot being a flyer.
You would have to shoot some more, and clean between shots, but you may have found your point-blank range.