Explain to me


New member
I am looking at a picture of "The Paddle" holster in Dillon Precision's "the Blue Press" catalogue which just came in the mail. There is a model listed for Ruger 2 1/4" SP-101, which I have; so I'm interested. BUT, I have no idea how a paddle holster works, and I cannot tell from looking at the picture. Is it a belt holster? A pocket holster? Any and all explanations, recommendations, etc., will be greatly appreciated.
It's an outside-the-waistband, non-belt holster. You put the paddle into your pants, behind your strong side kidney. The paddle is a big plastic thing that conforms to your butt beneath the pants and keeps the holster in place by friction. They work, but they're not as concealable as an IWB.
the paddle holster was designed for LEO who need to takeoff and replace their holsters several times a day (detectives going into interview rooms or custody facilities) without having to un-belt each time.

the trade-offs for this convience is that the holster shifts on the belt and cannot have a rear slot to pull the gunbutt into the body. the paddle holster can be shifted along the belt, for comfort, after it is on the waistband. a well-designed paddle will have lips or shelfs to hold it on the belt on the draw.

i wear my paddle holsters so that my gun is positioned just behind the point of my strong side hip. i use a safariland 5181 for my sig 220/226 and forbus paddles for my berretta 96, glock 19 and cenntenial when i dress casually. i use belt holsters when i need the gun pulled in more (wearing a fitted suit)

hope this helps
I've always found that holsters with leather, as opposed to plastic, paddles are a LOT more comfortable.

After a coupld of days wear, the leather will begin to conform to you, instead of plastic, which more or less makes you conform to it.