expander slugs ?


New member
Has nayone heard of Expander slugs, I say an ad in a magazine? They claim the slug/sabot is like a hydra-shokbullet. It expands to 150% of its size. Looks mean.

The unasked question here is, "What will this do that others don't"? Yes, it expands but ANY shotgun load over 28 ga is as close to a guaranteed stopper as we can get.

A 12 ga slug is starting out at a diameter larger than any medium rifle caliber ends up.
Post mortem exams on deer hit with a variety of slugs shows horrendous damage with the Forster and Brenneke slugs, and a little lass with the sabots.
Thanks Dave for your input. I did not know that regular slugs shredded as they went thru. A few I have dug out of tree stumps were totally intact. So I assumed that they did not come apart
They don't shred, per se,curious, but they do mushroom,oft completely flattening into a disc of lead more than an inch in diameter.

A double lung hit with a Forster type means a body cavity filled with blood and shredded lung tissue. Blood trails are short.

Brennekes have a btter sectional density, they almost always exit leaving behind a bloody rathole type wound and simliar tissue damage.
I read an article in Gun Tests that listed the Remington Slugger slug as the best one on the market. There are two styles and they were rated one and two if I remember right. I'd rather trust them than some advertisement. I'm sold. I don't want to do my own tests so I buy Remingtons.
Badge, there's no ineffective 12 ga slugs out there. All do well if inserted properly.
The sabot slugs leave longer blood trails, but we still collect the deer within 100 yards or so.Since the 2 870s I use for hunting like Winchester and Brennekes, I like those blood trails Ray Charles could follow(G)...

All this is assuming that one is shooting at game within range. There's no 200 yard slug guns or ammo,and darn few 150 yard combos. Most folks would do well keeping their shots within 75 yards or so,but the limiting factor there is them, not the equipment.

Best thing to do is to testabunchaslugs, and go with the one that's most accurate in YOUR weapon.

I posted a thread some time ago about setting up for slugs, I'll try to bring it back up again....
I beg to differ. There are indeed ineffective slugs. When I worked with Air Force Base Wildlife in Alaska, they ordered and used Brenneke slugs for 'pest' control. The results were: Six animals shot... five moose and one bear. In every case including one shot through both shoulders of a full-grown cow, the slugs penetrated completely. Since some of the animals were dispatched in Base housing areas, they switched to Remingtons. The Remingtons dumped all of their energy in the target in every case.

In this case, ineffective means that the slug carries a portion of its velocity and energy with it when it exits the body. It also becomes a liability and can strike and injure others. A slug that will reliably expand and stop in the target is effective.
OK, Badge, I stand corrected....

That's a much different mission than deer in the Md swamps.In that scenario,the lighrer Remington,assuming sufficient accuracy, is the better choice.

S'funny, I know a coupla Alaska outfitters fond of the Brenneke for bears that threaten their anglers.I would imagine theey take more frontal and less broadside shots....