Exhibition cancelled at McCormick due to flash mobs in Chicago?

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I thought I read where someone posted a story here on that. I'm sorry my search-fu is weak, I can't find it.

Does anybody remember hearing about a trade show cancelling in Chicago and it rumored to be related to the flash mobbing?
flash mob?

showing my ignorance, but i was wondering what is flash mobbing. There are not enough people out here to make up a good mob.
There's been a trend of "flash mobs" in Chicago lately.

Basically a large group of walking trash cans arrange a time and place ahead of time to "mob" and mug people/persons or rob a store.

Usually just a bunch of thugs with nothing better to do.
They may have nothing better to do but they are still criminals. The latest flash mob behavior is when a large group of young thugs descend on a business all at once. They steal anything they can get their hands on and then quickly leave. There is too much happening at once for the owners or clerks to stop them and they scatter like flies making it difficult for police to catch many or any at all. Since they are usually juveniles it is risky for anyone, police or store owners, to even touch one, much less take them down forcibly.
This actually sounds like the thread on feral dogs. Not much different.
Originally, the idea behind a flash mob was more artistic. People would suddenly form up and start dancing like you had been dropped into some musical. Or they would act out a scene or something - just goofy fun. It was called a flash mob because it basically formed in a flash out of what looked like a normal crowd.

In the past two years, some people have been using the same organizing tools to get large numbers of people together for criminal activity. Looting merchants, assaulting people, destroying property, etc. So far all of the accounts I've read tend to happen in places with bad self defense laws.

I wish they would come up with a different term for the criminal version than "flash mob" though since it kind of confuses harmless behavior with criminal behavior.
I was in Boston and saw a flash zombie attack at the mall downtown. All kids dressed up. It was fun. Some matrons and tourists were all nervous.
Yeah, it's only recently they've turned into something criminal. Flash mobs were always about fun. I guess it was only a matter of time.
A bunch of young people using technology to have some inocent fun is one thing, but organizing to commit criminal activity is another.

Wouldn't this fall under organized crime laws with the resulting sentences for the organizers and those participating? Maybe this is a reach, a question for the lawyers and procecuters.

Despite that last post, after conferring with Glenn, we see no real L&CR connection in this thread.

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