Exercises for better shooting?


New member
Are there any exercises that can help me shoot better other than shooting a lot, ie weights or running. I'm mainly thinking about handguns or shooting a long gun without a stand. Thank you
Get a copy of the USAMU's Pistol Marksmanship Guide, they have phyical and mental exercises as well as other info.

If you cant find one on line, PM me with your e-mail address and I'll send you a copy in PDF format.
The best challenge to me, . . . is to beat myself. Set up some goal or score that you can "shoot" at.

One is shooting the "550" drill (I copied this from a post on one of the forums I go to).

Fire 10 strings of 10 shots each at a 6 inch round target face. Tape misses between strings and score each string.

1st string is shot at 10 ft, each hit is worth 1 point.

2nd string is shot at 15 feet, but only if you got a perfect 10 on the first string. 2nd string shots are worth 2 points each.

3rd string is shot at 20 ft, but only after you have a perfect string of 2nd round shots. 3rd string shots are worth 3 points each.

4th string is shot at 25 feet, but only after you have a perfect string of 3rd round shots. 4th string shots are worth 4 points each.

Follow the pattern until you have shot 100 rounds. At the end of 100 rounds, you have your score for that match.

A perfect score is 550, hence the name.

It could be varied many different ways, . . . including timed shots, . . . shooting from cover, . . . shooting around obstacles, . . . shooting weak handed, . . . etc. Just remember to shoot against yourself the same way each time.

May God bless,
Bullseye shooting and regular upper body toning exercises(don't ask me which ones though. I took a part time job sorting freight because I hate the idea of paying to excercise.). For both rifle and handguns.
Dry firing a centre fire is a long recognized training technique for sight picture, breathing and trigger control too. It won't help if you can't hold the rifle or handgun up though.
Tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome are frequent injuries in sports and work activities in general, and can are particularly debilitating for shooters. This is due to the repetitious nature of the activities coupled with forceful gripping. For instance, using the isosceles grip instead of of the Weaver can cause trouble in the elbows, because of gripping combined with elbow and wrist extension.

As an avid shooter and a health care provider who specializes in upper extremity rehabilitation I run across these issues quite a bit. (As well as finger amputations, sprains, burns, fractures, etc.) In fact, I have been toying with an article or brief training lecture about shooters' injuries: how to avoid them, how to compensate for them while they heal (and still be able to shoot) and how to correct them. It's just that every time this topic comes up people start to snore.

You can train hard, but you must stretch and rest appropriately in between sessions. Shooting a lot and then lifting weights to help with that shooting can easily be overdone. It's not all about strength, as endurance and flexibility are also key elements to shooting capability.

Grip strengthening exercises, and stretching and strengthening of the wrist and forearm flexor and extensor muscles are critical. (These are the so-called extrinsic muscles of the hand). Stretching and strengthening of the muscles of the rotator cuff and trapezius muscle in the shoulder are particularly important for shooters over 40.

It's all way too much to go into in a thread like this (pictures needed, etc.), but I'd be happy to help a shooter with injuries if they want to contact me via a PM or email.

I'd be interested in that text.

could you send it to me?

Yes sir, if you pm me with your e-mail address.

I'll send them to all who wants them, all I ask in return that you share it with anyone else you find interested.
I see soooo many people morbidly obese and shooting at ranges. Why? It is unhealthy. Did the spoon or fork MAKE you fat? NO! If you need to run and duck for cover when you are overweight, are not you going to think that you need to be in a little better shape? Also when you actually do run and duck for cover, will not your heart rate be at a better pace so you can shoot accurately instead of panting for breath while trying to hold a gun steady?

-Trigger Finger.
I use my double action revolvers to practice dry firing. It builds muscle in my trigger finger and have noticed a great deal of control when i switch over to lighter triggers.

-Breathing Exercises
Yoga or Tai Chi, or whatever it takes to control your breathing. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

-Lift Weights
Try holding a 9lb-11lb rifle while standing and say it feels comfortable over long periods of time. I doubt you will. The more muscle you have in your shoulders the better you can shoulder a gun and hold it there without the twitches of muscles because of weakness.

I use a rubber squeezer for my grip. 10 pound barbells and half curls both suppinated and pronated, 8 reps palm up and 5 reps palm down.

Nun-chuks if you have them, held out at arms length and spun one direction for 1 minute than a short break and spin rapidly in the other direction for one minute. Do that with each arm.

If I really want to work up a sweat my short dowel, ( 12" hunk of old broom handle). With a cord fastened to it. Held out in front at shoulder height with both hands, the cord tied to a tin can, full of gravel, rocks, cement or an old milk jug filled part way with water. slowly roll the dowel in your hands wrapping the cord up and then slowly unwinding. When you get up to 8 pounds one rep a day is more than plenty. At least if you are old and arthritic.

Other than that I keep a set of rubber bands on my desk and when I'm waiting for something to load on the computer I do a few reps with my arms down low, out in front, overhead and then reverse my hands so they are facing outward and repeat. Isn't much and it isn't hard but if I don't do it the arthritis lets me know the next time I'm pistol shooting.

Even easier is pushing down or up on desk top with my hands or if I'm standing in a door way pushing out on the frame with the back of my hands for a count of 8.

Just put your hands together and push them together as hard as you can for a slow 8 count. Then hook the fingers together and try to pull them apart for the same count. This is a good car exercise at stop lights or waiting for somebody in the parking lot.

Anything that keeps the hands, wrist, forearms and shoulders strong is a plus and it doesn't take a lot of gear.
Helps me

Use a 3-pound “heavy hand” in right hand; hold horizontally with arm fully extended. Turn arm 90 deg. to right and hold 10 seconds then return to start position hold 10 seconds, then turn to left and hold for ten seconds repeat a total of 10 times. Do the same with left arm. As you build up your tolerance you can increase the time you hold your arm out and the number of reps.
There is an old dry fire exercise that can be fairly useful when you are not willing or able to spend money on a range and/or ammunition. The following materials will be needed to perform the exercise.

1. No. 2 pencil.

2. one piece of plain paper.

3. Tape or push pins.

4. A centerfire handgun.*

What you will do now is draw five circles on the piece of paper. They should be about 1/2 inch in diameter. Using a penny as a stencil is acceptable for the purpose though it is hair larger than needed. The circles should run horizontally across the paper. Now fasten the newly made training aide to the wall or suitable location that is approximately eye level.

Secure your handgun. Clear and check it, then double and triple check. One can never be too safe. Once you are positive that the pistol or revolver is unloaded you will begin the exercise. This exercise will require applying the fundamentals of shooting we should all be familiar with. Breathing, trigger control, sight picture, etc. Take that number two pencil and insert it into the barrel. Be sure the eraser is resting up against the breech face. Be sure that the pencil is long enough to stick out the end of the barrel. The pencil tip needs to be about 2 inches away from the target surface when you are performing this exercise. Aim at one of the circles COM and fire the handgun as you would on the range. Then cock the pistol again and make sure the pencil is seated. Repeat for five "shots" per circle. There will be 25 shots in one cycle of this exercise. You may perform as many cycles as desired. When the firing pin hits the eraser it will send the pencil forward and mark the paper. Don't worry about the marks not being inside the circles that makes no matter. What you are attempting to achieve is a grouping of pencil point marks no larger than 1/8th of an inch or approximately 3 millimeters.

This is a good way to practice cheaply and keep your skill level up. It isn't a substitute for actual range time but it is a good supplement and tool. Just as any person who want's to run faster they must run or if they want to do more push ups they should do push ups. So it is with firearms and marksmanship. If you want to shoot better you must shoot more often. Nothing else will make you better at the thing you wish to become better at that actually doing that thing.

With all that aside. It isn't practical for most people to train with live fire all the time, at least with a centerfire. If a person doesn't have a .22 rimfire it would be a good idea to have one that mimics the centerfire you are choosing to use. The .22 doesn't have to be the same as the centerfire it just translates better if it is similar. No matter what any trigger time is good and a .22 handgun will help you be a better shot with a larger caliber handgun by giving you more trigger time. This exercise will give you even more trigger time as well.

Hope that this helps in some fashion. Good luck, happy and safe shooting.

*Note. Some calibers may be too small for a pencil and you may have to find a substitute for a marker. Also this can be done with a rifle as well, however it can be difficult to find a shaft light enough to work properly in the same fashion. If anything it is a future project that one can think about on their own time. The concept is clear enough to everyone I am sure.
Old Grump makes a good point here..

Yes it's very good to use grippers, rollers, etc.. but balancing that strength with the opposite motion is important and will really help you out. The rubber band around your fingers, stretching them out, holding, and releasing, is a great little exercise you can do anywhere. Just don't overdo it.
I am no expert, but I would think, in terms of relevant physical training, you'd do best to replicate the motions you wish to strengthen with heavier weights. So, if you want a rock steady handgun stance, grip a dumbell with one or both hands like it's a pistol grip and raise it to a firing stance. For a long gun, use a bar with a weight on one end (the "barrel" end). For a strong base, squats and/or lunges. For a death grip, work out your hands. Do several sets of reps to exhaustion.
I lifted weights for years, three or four 2 hr sessions a week . I don't feel the strength I developed ever really helped me in my shooting.

Now my cardio training definitely helped out. When at the range I could really relax and slow my heart rate way down. I was very in tune with my breathing and heart rate. Also in the last seconds when I held my breath before I pulled the target, I could extend this time greatly, with no ill effects

I know your OP wanted something other then running but I feel cardio work could really help in your shooting.
This method costs no money, doesn't call for any special workouts at the gym, and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

This can be accomplished while sitting in your favorite chair while watching TV. Take your heaviest gun, place in it your hands with a normal two handed grip. Bring it up to the shooting position and hold it for a slow 10 count, then rest for a few seconds. Do three sets of 10 each and every night. Make sure your gun is unloaded before starting this routine.

Once you have developed your muscles, usually within a month, you can begin to work on target acquisition, breathing, trigger management, and follow thru. You will be dry firing your gun a lot so you may want to have a supply of snap caps.

When the front sight is on the "target" after the trigger breaks, you have begun to master trigger control. Do this each and every night and you will be amazed at how your shooting improves.
Get a Gripmaster. You'll find them on Amazon or most big sporting goods stores. It's helped tremendously with my shooting, especially with my sigma.
Dry fire.

Grip exercises.

One of my favorite things to do when I'm at a public range(I've posted this before) is while observing safety rules, I like to do either 25-30 jumping jacks and/or 25-30 push ups, then while my pistol or shotgun is on the table, grab it and proceed to try to put rounds accurately on target. I like to think this helps shooting under stress as not only is my heart beat a little faster than resting, but it helps get a little blood flowing too. My shooting has gotten slightly better since I began doing this.

I also workout a lot and I truly believe that keeping yourself in some semblance of physical shape will greatly help you if SHTF because you will at the very least know how to control your body with an increased heart rate and know what it feels like to have your heart pounding. Not to mention the health benefits. :D