Executive Orders

Ed Brunner

New member
Like most of the TFL members I am concerned with the number and the scope of the executive orders that slick has written, but what concerns me more is that,as far as I know,no member of congress seems the least bit concerned that slick has become the Leglislative branch of Government and as Meatloaf said:"Two Out of Three Aint Bad"

I have contacted the hirelings of my elected congressional representatives and they dont seem to have a clue. One of them told me that congress reviews all of the orders and if anything were wrong they would take care of it. That was the end of the rational discussion as far as I was concerned.
I am under the impression that the power for EO's is granted to a President under the War Powers Act. I need to check that,but none of the hirelings was sure either.
I am going to formally request that each of my congressman does something to invalidate all of slick's EO's.

Better days to be,

Good luck Ed..

The E.O's aren't the only problem. The Clinton administration has also massively increased regulatory agency rule and Congress has laid down and let this occur.

When we get the search function back, I'll point out these examples. In short, various agencies have circumvented the legislation process merely by imposing more regulations, clearly exceeding their authority.

The "Know your Customer" was one example, the Congress responded to because of citizen backlash.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"