Executive Order destroying freedom again?

Daren Thompson

New member
I hope it is not true,but my ammo supplier just told me today that Klinton by executive order is banning the importation of all ammo. If this was a sales pitch it worked!! I bought 1200 rounds of IMI and am considering more if this is true. Anyone on TFL heard of this crap? Would appriciate the info
As I understand it, the order bans import of foreign ammo made useing US technology. So if it is made in another country on US made equiptment, US designed equiptment or if any US technology was involed with its manufacter, that ammo is banned from import. The problem stems from not knowing what can and can't be imported. I have heard that all ammo has been stopped until it can be determined if it is legal or not. Since this is all being done under the government bureaucracy, no one knows when importation will start again or which brands will be allowed.
Case in point, I buy Russian surplus 7.62X39 from Cheaper Than Dirt. Any moron could see that the ban will not make it illegal. Yet, CTD is telling customers that when current stock is gone, they have no idea when or even if they can get any more.
Slick pulled a fast one and then tied it up all nice and pretty with red tape. :(
This sort of falls in agreement with my pet theory. It goes something like; the honorable Bill Clinton uses some premise to stop the import and sales of all guns/ammo. Initially, it will be for a "short" period, then when no one riots, it will become permanent. I figured that there would be more of these y2k doomsday cults getting caught trying to blow things up and that would be the reason to suspend gun/ammo sales until, at least, after the first of the year. Of course, there will be another premise to leave the ban(s) in place.

What do you guys think?
This is something that we all need to jump on.
His abuse of executive orders against the will of the pwople must be stopped. Only a courageous Congress can do anything about it and I dont think we have one.
Please contact your senators and representative and demand that they take action or go home.

Better days to be,

Ed, be thankful we DON'T have a courageous Congress; They'd probably be passing gun control laws left and right if they had any guts... Remember, most of them have no particular respect for the Constitution, or our rights. They're just afraid of our political clout.
What is the twisted logic behind banning olny imported ammo made with US equiptment? I know that Klinton makes no sense but he has to tell the sheeple something.
There is no logical "logic". I don't know exactly about the current "Executive Order"
but the ban on items manufactured in the U.S. of A. and exported at a price or given away not being importable really drives me nuts! The United States of America really has been under the thumb of "Executive Orders" for most of our history.
My less than .02 Hank
Ya got me there. I haven't heard any explanation as to why. The very words "clinton" and "logic" have never been compatable.
Hey Guys...

It's what ever he can do to futher his and his buddies disarmament policies. Under the UN Aggreement the US is supposed to have been disarmed by the year 2000, they're a little behind schedule, so he's doing his part to get it back on track. Plus he'd love to have some civil unrest to enable him to activate the other EO's he has in place for FEMA to become the unelected government, with him in charge in a martial "state of emergency" law dictatorship....... Just watch the next few months!!!!
Go to my website...section on global disarmament and another link in a preceding section...lots of stuff....have a big pot of coffee or a case of beer

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"