Executive order affecting all US gunsmiths

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New member
President Obama has released an executive order affecting all US gunsmiths:

News Item

News Item

A lot of the smaller Mom and Pop gunsmithing services will be forced out of business. Others will stay in business, but will struggle financially because of the fees. Smaller gunsmithing shops that cannot afford the fees will have to severely cut down on the number of services that they can offer.

Prices for gunsmithing services will tend to go up, across the board. This is, in part, because shops with the manufacturing license will be sent business from small shops that do not, or cannot afford to pay the annual "manufacturing" fee.

This executive order may or may not survive the next election cycle. If it does, then it may or may not survive the court system as this kind of action is a perfect fit for a class action lawsuit.

In the end, it may do more good to the gunsmithing community than harm, as gunsmiths will have to organize and work together in order to deal with it, to a degree that has so far never been seen.

I am currently setting up a special website for this specific purpose. - To give all gunsmiths a common ground in which they may organize, and share knowledge/resources. No financial help is needed for this task, at least not now, but any other kind of advice, participation or assistance from other gunsmiths would of course be greatly appreciated. I will note here that some gunsmiths are certified after taking courses, and some are not. - There must be room in the tent for all, in order to facilitate effective action. - The greatest potential for strength is in numbers.

If you are a gunsmith and would like to join this conversation, PM me here. The website is not ready for publication yet, but soon will be.

In a general sense, gunsmiths tend to be independent, capable individuals. The only new trick we will have to learn in order to deal with this attack upon our profession is to organize and work together, toward a common purpose. The rewards for accomplishing this will go far beyond the current issue.
I'm going to guess that you're talking about the new ITAR changes, not an Executive Order. Those are already under discussion here and here. Feel free to PM me if I'm wrong.
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