Excellent article on CA SKS buyback

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>WorldNetDaily contacted Stephen P. Halbrook, an
attorney who is an expert on Second Amendment
issues, in an effort to find out the legal nature of the
California law. In addition to practicing law, Halbrook is
a former philosophy professor and wrote several books
on the Second Amendment as well as other
constitutional issues.

Halbrook said the law is unconstitutional, but he added
that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California
often doesn't recognize bearing arms as a legitimate
right. The Ninth Circuit has "been all over the board"
regarding Second Amendment issues, according to

"I think it's a travesty the way certain elements in the
judiciary have treated the Second Amendment," said

"This is no different than if they banned WorldNetDaily
or the San Francisco Chronicle and say (to the
newspapers' readership), 'Here's five dollars for your
subscription,'" Halbrook added.

"In my opinion, the law is unconstitutional, but probably
no California court is going to say it's unconstitutional.
That's the bottom line," said Halbrook. "I welcome
somebody to use some constitutional doctrine and find a
court they can convince to strike this law down. I think
that would be wonderful."

WorldNetDaily attempted numerous times to contact
current state Attorney General Bill Lockyer for
comment, but his office never returned the calls. [/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
So where did all of these constitutionally blind lawyers and judges came from? Don't they need to learn about the constitution when the go to law school?

Why the hll bother having a court if the judges just ignore the law of the land?


We need the Judicial branch to perpetuate the illusion that there's still a check on the Legislative and Executive branches.

Cynical? Me? No, of course not...

Thanks for posting this. This article helps make a little sense out of what they are doing in the land of fruits and nuts.

Johan, they come from constitutionally blind law schools, of course. The two biggest advantages the gun control movement has in this fight, (And we have to end both of them if we're ever going to win back our rights!) is that they control the media, and they control the law schools. And once you control both those institutions, there's not much left to control except the people, is there?
7-4 -99 525 PM EDT The Judicial Branch,like the Legislative and Executive branches, is a arm and tool of the corporate state(United States Govt.) Of Coarse lawyers do not study constututional law. The court system does not follow the constitution. The court system follows corporate law;the law under which the United States Govt.(COrporation) operates. The mirads of lawyers are corporate lawyers who do the biding of the corporate stateunder which we indentured servants must toil. It is one nation under the Ferderal Reserve System. No doubt about it. But it is all legalunder the corporate law system and we have bought into it .Sorry if I rambled a bit