Excellent analysis of AlGore


Moderator Emeritus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Gore's campaign:
Already a loser

© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

The more Vice President Al Gore tries to distance
himself from President Clinton, the more he seems like a
clone -- at least politically -- of Clinton. The most recent
of his campaign policy speeches, given a couple of days
ago in Boston, proves that. Gore's legislative agenda
continues to embody every worn out liberal slogan, ideal
and notion of a utopia we will never achieve in this

But that's OK because such agendas in today's political
climate are proven losers.

Witness the failure of socialized medicine a la
"HillaryCare." Witness the demise of Bill Clinton's
attempt to allow open homosexuality in the military.
Witness the outrage over Gore's "no controlling legal
authority" White House fundraising excuse and his abuse
of a Buddhist temple for campaign donations in 1996.

Witness also the plethora of executive orders issued by
Clinton because he could not get popular support for
things like huge federal land grabs, making war on
sovereign nations, expanding anti-gun and pro-abortion
legislation, and federalizing a new range of crimes.

If, as the mainstream pundits insist, our country is
"moderate" to "left-leaning," then how come all these
dripping liberals have to be dishonest and disingenuous
just to get their legislative agendas passed?

Gore's recent speech, designed to stake out his position
on crime, was a liberal propaganda show from start to
finish. Delivered in Boston on Monday, it was complete
with the customary photo-op backdrop of local police
officials, adoring crowds and sound bites over truth and
factual substance.

For the entire world it was less a political speech than a
blueprint for Nazi America. [/quote]

Read the rest of the article...you'll enjoy it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
WND is one of my first stops every morning (after TFL :)). I read the article, and ever since, a song has been running through my head...

"Loser," by Beck. Anyone else remember that one? Weird, nonsensical lyrics(*), much like Gore's normal discourse, and that unforgettable chorus.

(*)Although the line "Stock car flaming with a loser at the cruise control" does seem to resemble our country right about now...

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You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart