Example of media bias


New member
In 1995, Doug Stanton of Ashland, Ohio saved the lives of his family and the lives of at least eight other innocent people. A crazed spree killer named Jerry Hessler had already murdered four people, including a five-month-old baby, when he attacked the Stanton family in their own home. While the four Stanton children and their mother crouched on the floor, a gun battle raged inches above their heads. Doug Stanton used a .45-caliber semi-automatic to fight off Hessler, wounding him and driving him away. The insane killer was quickly arrested, and police were surprised to find a list of eight additional people he planned to murder. At his trial, Hessler was convicted of four murders and sentenced to death.

Was this case given the coverage in the national media that recent spree killings have received? Of course not! Had Hessler been successful in murdering all of his intended victims, he would have surpassed the count of all the recent school murders, including Columbine. The case would then have made national news as a reason why additional gun laws should be enacted.

I relate this story because it points out the hypocrisy of the national news media. In at least two of the recent school shootings, lives were saved because a teacher/administrator had access to a gun and captured the shooter at the school. Again, this facet of the case was ignored by the national media.

While we all know that the national media is biased, this is a specific example that can be used to prove it.

Robert A. Waters
Author of "The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Theselves with a Firearm"
Of course the media is bias. This type of story doesn't fit their gun control agenda so naturaly they will play it down.
I'm glad you posted this. Now I have more ammunition to use against the gun banners.

I just checked the link and ordered your book from Amazon. Also ordered Unintended Consiquences. Looks like I've got some reading to do. :)

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited August 15, 1999).]