everyday scenario


New member
had this happen today...no big deal, but how do yall deal with it....
life in the boonies....you're at home, working in the backyard, when a beat up car pulls into your driveway...as usual, you're armed with a sidearm....two persons in the car, scruffy looking rednecks...one gets out, looking toward the house, even though he has already spotted you...distance between is 50 foot...what do you do?

speak now, or forever hold your peace
The first thing I do is call out to the ferocious killer mongrel lurking just out of the bad guy's view: "Fluffy! Down!"

The next thing I do is to make contact with the stranger and let him know he is in a place he really doesn't want to be: "Hi ther brother! It sure is good to see some new faces at our weekly bible study. The other's will be along any minute. Can I offer you a drink? Sun tea or koolaide? What is your name?"

If the cretin remains, unpreturbed, you could pull out you piece and engage him in light conversation: Have you ever shot one of these things? I was skeptical at first, but you should see the size of the holes they leave behind. It's really amazing . . .


Though I readily admit to being a bit odd.

It goes two ways. You just stand your ground and let them know that you see them.....they leave. Or you stand your ground......they leave....and they come back later on. The latter is a very probable situation. How to avoid the later is probably not to make any foolish comments, and anger the necks...living in the country has it benefits, but also its drawbacks.

Some of my best friends are scruffy looking rednecks, it might be some of them calling to say hi.

They could be lost and looking for directions.

They might be looking for their horse/cow/chicken/goat/family.

They could be violent felons looking to score.

You never know, so;

Ask them what they want from a distance. If they start to close in, tell them that is far enough. If he continues past your safe zone, pull your pistol and hold it behind you where he can't see it. If he gets too close, point your pistol at him and tell him that he is tresspassing and needs to move on. If he still continues in a confrontational way BANG. Run for cover/shotgun and prepare to engage the other in the car.

Same as in the city, stay alert and stay cool.

I would bet money most of you are from the city, suburbs,etc.If you are in the country,chances are they are just lost or looking for a dog,horse,cow etc.Or they might be stoping to tell you that your horse,cow etc is out maybe in the road etc.They might be going to ask permission to hunt or something.If you pull a gun on them or challenge them without a real reason you will get a reputation as a sorry neighbor and your origins will be in serious doubt.They will probably dismiss you as another darn city Yankie that just moved down there.The thing to do is be friendly,see what they want,and don't sick the dogs on them yet.If your packing a gun you ought to be able to handle the siduation if it gets ugly.Don't touch your gun until that time happens.Looks can be decieving also.That rought looking redneck may turn out to be the local banker of the nearest town.
A friendly greeting is in order. As has already been pointed out, there are lots of legitimate reasons they might be there. You are wearing a gun, so discreetly keep some distance and stand where you can see both of them. Otherwise, all you need to do at this point is inquire what they want in a pleasant tone of voice. They may simply be your neighbors.
now, the rest of the story....
scruffy #1 asks real quick if my dog, beside me bites; real friendly like, i say not often, as i approach....i keep a tree between myself and the car, keeping #2 (still in car) in sight....#1 takes definate notice of the gun on my side (hard not to see 6" .357)....turns out to be, they are looking for some side work, pressure washing decks (which i have) ...we talk a minute or two, then i politely send him on his way...

speak now, or forever hold your peace