Ever heard of Sarah Palin...?

Yeah, folks were mentioning her on Republican mailing lists back in February of this year, and I recall hearing about her when she won the governor's office in November 2006. The general gist was how refreshing it was to see an actual conservative, instead of someone like, say, Arnold Schwarzenegger, gain high office.

FR: McCain Should Pick Sarah Palin for VP - August 16, 2008
As said, she was mentioned here. Especially a lot by Wildalaska. Also, Rush did have a segment on her about the first part of the year. He said she would be the best choice for McCain. Don't want to make Rush's head any bigger than it already is, but he did talk about her.
Ever heard of Sarah Palin,,,
Before last week?

Newt Gingrich was mentioning her as a good choice 5-6 months ago.
A couple of months ago Wildalaska mentioned her name so I looked her up. When I got through reading about her I said no way would she ever make it into mainstream politics even in my wildest dreams. She was too good and reasonable for that mess.

Come to think of it where is Wildalaska? Haven't heard from him since the announcement so I guess he is still out drunk and celebrating. :D

Yup I even posted favorable report with Wild on Sarah.

But even back then I wanted to keep her as Governor of Alaska. I want to keep her becasue it totaly irks the party bosses that she dared run against Frank Murkowski. Then she won and really mad them mad.
"Ever heard of Sarah Palin... Before last week?

Yes, my notice of her dates back appoximately 18 months, iirc.
No! But I love the Idea of someone closer to a real citizen be put in the position. Most of our current Reps are so Dislocated from Real Life they are Clueless!

I live in Washington, because of our relationship with Alaska we hear more about Alaska politics than the rest of the lower 48.
I didn't know as much about her as I've learned since she was picked as VP though.
I had also heard of her and did my own digging. I really liked what I saw! A good article on Palin by Vietnam vet and Author Jeff Head:


On August 29, 2008, Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, announced that Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, would be his VP running mate. That selection has trumped and checkmated the Obama-Biden ticket.
Coming the day after Obama's historic acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, which speech along with Obama's earlier pick of Joe Biden as his own VP running mate, were expected to be the top news item leading into the Republican convention the following week, McCain's pick of Sarah Palin completely eclipsed Obama's anticpated attention in the news cycles. Palin's introductory speech on that day in Ohio was extremely well received and made clear how poised and articulate she was on conservative principles and regarding her own history in Alaska.

In less than 24 hours, Obama's day in the sun was eclisped and relegated to history being completely upstaged by the Palin choice. The news cycles focused on nothing else afterwards in terms of the presidential politics right into the Republican convetnion.

The choice by McCain has stunningly energized the conservative base of the Republican party, an important segment McCain had his own problems with. In choosing Palin, a staunch conservative, McCain revitalized his commitment and perception in that area. Many conservatives who had relegated themselves to simply voting against Obama, are now more than willing to vote "for" Palin.

The choice also reached out directly to independents and dissaffected Democratic voters, particularly women, who were so sorely disappointed by Hillary Clinton's narrow loss and the way they had been treated since Obama sealed the nomination. Particularly in overlooking Hillary Clinton, who won 18 million votes in the primaries, and actually had more votes than Obama, those disaffected women have also been energized about the Palin pick. Many are indicatiung on blogs and disaffected Hillary voter sites on the web that they intend to cross over and vote for McCain and Palin now........
I sort of meant that to be like "yes,, we knew"

OS many of the poeple I talk to out on the rest of the earth have never heard of her,, I'm pretty impressed with what I know already. The thing is that at her age,, even if she doesn't make it to VP this time,,, she's probaably going to be around for a while....

I actually think McCain made a good pick.
I have been very impressed by her actual service to the State of Alaska. For once in a blue moon a politician that actually has a service to the people mindset!

Living in Alaska has allowed me to see first hand her concern for the people of the State. In both things big and little. And not only concern, but completed action on her concerns.

There may be a good reason that she was received a 90% satisfaction rating from the people of Alaska on her job as Governor so far.

In my humble opinion, big league politics is a nasty game, and I pray that Sarah sticks to her guns!

She will make an awesome VP, and after watching both the Democratic and GOP convention speeches from all of the major players, she outshone them all!

Go Sarah!!!
No. We've been out of the country since Feb '06 so we're removed from the normal everyday bombardment of news. And I didn't stop by TFL much in the last couple years.
Yeah...She was on "The Glenn Beck show" about 4 months ago ( i think ).

The funny thing though.... He asked her, "if you were selected as the VP nominee, would you accept it"? And I specifically remember her saying no she would not, because she felt she could do more good as Alaskas' state Governor. :p

Actually here is the clip from the show... She comes on about 4 minutes into the video...

Yes. I was to some extent hoping McCain would pick her for VP. I didn't know enough about her, though. Some people said she wasn't ready to handle the attention. She's proven them wrong so far.