Ever hear of this happening????


OK so my meeting with the Gun Board was fri, my permit was on the table ready for issue, during the questioning period, one of my questions reguarding being arrested and charged, I answered yes 12yrs ago for M1 and was aquitted of all charges, having nothing to hide i jus tell the truth and figuring they have all that info infront of em anyway.....so long story short they post poned it for two months and tells me they need to get paper work on this and that it does not mean I wont get it.....whats you guys take on this I think their jus using their power to hold up the process cause I cant see them not having this information when they ran my record....you ever hear of this happening b4 to someone?????
whats you guys take on this I think their jus using their power to hold up the process cause I cant see them not having this information when they ran my record

I think your conspiracy theory that they are trying to hold you up is an unnecessary. You have a problematic past. You have apparently been cleared but they wished to interview on the events themselves on this matter and that is a normal part of the process (see Macom County video below). The gun board still has the authority to ask you questions in order to determine your suitability to carry concealed, especially if you have something problematic in your past. You did have the opportunity to have a lawyer with you to help explain to the board why you are legally entitled.
When a board of bureaucrats is created and given power they will exercise power and not always with logic.
"gun board" chilling words in America.
you ever hear of this happening b4 to someone????
This happened to a freind of mine and he finally had to get a lawyer involved. He too had been aquitted but because it was stil on record, ghe was refused. Even with the lawyers help, he still had to wait a couple of months before it got cleared up. These systems just don't work as well or as fast as "we" feel they should. Pretty sad !! .. :mad:

I might add that he was sucker punched by a Yuppie in suit and he responded quite well. My buddy just blew it off but the Yuppie reported it as an assault. The first one to report it, has the advantage ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I'll keep u guys up on everything I was jus a little surprised cause their reaction was like it wasn't on file they ask if I still talk with my lawyer that wAs 12 yrs ago he was paid for a job and that was that but I'll see what comes of this I do kno it's cleared cause I never had any issues none at all not evn with my employer and I kno they check on it....that would have to be disclosed to them if anybody.....
Sorry to hear about your troubles. The burden is on you to prove your old case was dismissed. Paperwork helps. The gun board is required to verify the info, not just your word for it. Hope it works out for you.
Nope, in Florida all I had to do was get fingerprinted, fill out the application, send it in with a check/military marksmanship record/ passport photo/ driver license copy, and my CCW license magically appeared at my door.
Nope, in Florida all I had to do was get fingerprinted, fill out the application, send it in with a check/military marksmanship record/ passport photo/ driver license copy, and my CCW license magically appeared at my door.

Last I checked, Florida wasn't in Michigan.

Geography is your friend :p