Ever hear of a Mark II 4 B ??? Got one today

Greyhound Dog

New member
I picked up a NIB Ruger Mark II 4 B It's a 4 inch bull barrel.
with wood grips . Beautiful gun very very comfortable
I've never seen or heard of this model before.
The guy at the gun store said it might have been a limited run???
Anybody have any insight into the background of this gun
When they were made... How may copies... That kinda stuff
Any help would be great.
Thanks GD
I got one a couple of years ago. It's nice, particularly
balance of this "shorty" is absolutely perfect. Accuracy is
superb, at least as good as for the MKII with 5 1/2" barrel. But, my 4B needed a fix, which was not difficult to
perform. After that it's 100% in every respect. I'm not going to go into details right now, but if you have a jamming problem with standard velocity ammo,
I know what to do.

I do not think it was a limited run. It is shown in a Ruger
catalog. It's just difficult to find one in stores, for some reason...
O.K.,,,this thing has shorter barrel than other MKII's,
but similar recoil spring. Shorter barrel means there is
less time for "blowback impulse" to kick the bolt all the way to the rear. Then, and with relatively modest velocity ammo, bolt is not getting kicked far enough. As the result,
problem with complete extraction of empties may occur.
You got jam. Solution: cut off 6-7 coils from the recoil spring (it has approx. 50 coils of spring). It will weaken
recoil spring approx. 15-20%, which will solve the problem.
It is possible to shorten the spring w/o disassembling the
whole recoil spring assembly. After I did it, I had no more jams. Initially, my brand new 4B worked reliably only with Stingers - pretty hot ammo, and was jamming with less powerful ammo. This observation gave me an idea I giving to you right now absolutely free of charge (smile).
I also bought one, I think it is no longer a cataloged item but were available for quite some time. I bought one in 97, it is a great little gun. I had it np3ed and added crimson trace laser grips just for fun. I wish people made holsters for mk11's. They are a great gun for the trail, trapping that kind of think. Mine fits nicely in a bianchi flap though.