Ever have one of those days...


New member
It starts with that sinking of Oh NUTS my gun is broken. IDPA ESR. bang bang click bang click bang click click ... you get the picture right.
I shoot a S&W 22-4. When I go to a match I normally also have my regular carry gun, S&W 325NG. Sometimes I take a 22-4 TRR just in case. Yesterday I was trying to save weight so I took one gun, just enough ammo and no tools because I was on the motorcycle. What was I thinking?!?!?! Malfunctions started after the firste reload first stage. Light primer strikes. All day long. New realities in ammo management when you have movers/turners and no real idea if two consecutive rounds would both ignight. :mad: What I should have done was gone door to door looking for a set of screwdrivers. Instead I just struggled along.
I took it down when I got home. Strain screw was 3/4 of a turn from tight. Now, what color locktite do I need for this and where do I get a longer firing pin and can I put it in myself? Thank Gawd its Monday!