Ever have one of those days....


Moderator Emeritus
....when all seems to be total BS....you go out shooting...and


Ground squirrel...308 yards..paced off...clean shot...Ruger 10/22...CCI Stingers.


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You ever see the movie TOPGUN, Iceman is sitting in the back as Maverick and Goose replay their encounter with the Russian MIG, and he suddenly disguises a clorfull metaphor for cow dung in a sneeze!...
Really though, sounds like a hell of a shot, any mods to the 10/22 or is it a rare unmodified version?

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Nope..standard factory..
has a Bushnell 4X32 Sportview. And almost everyday practise for 17 yrs :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
What a shot, DC!!!

(aside: And some guys would want to be on a desert island with some self-absorbed movie star. Sheesh!) ;)

Don't listen to the disbelievers!!!

I believe you.

(Mind you, I had an uncle who, on a "dare" took a shot with his .22 at his brother's prize dairy cow -- and dropped it dead on the spot with a shot through the earhole into the brain. The range was paced off by car's odometer at 440 yards)

The real trick is, How did you get the little bugger to stand still while you paced him off? *G*
Its got to be possible, when I was 13, my best friend and I were doing one of the old walk through the woods and shoot anything that moves hunts. We had already terrorized our fair share of squirrels with our twin marlin .22's Without skipping a beat he took a crow out of mid-air with one shot. Right through the head. And he was the only person I have ever known who is a worse shot at long range than I am.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
If you shoot enough, sooner or later you'll make a one in a millon shot.

I took at shot at a crow with the intention of making it fly as I really didn't want to walk that far. I was using a iron sighted .22. Hit the crow, killed him stone dead. A looooong way off. I guess based on my intent, it was technically a miss. :-)


"Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it sounds like
they're snoring." -Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta"

[This message has been edited by Gizmo99 (edited September 23, 1999).]
I guess my most impressive was with a open sighted Ruger Mini-30. I shot at a coke can and put the round almost perfectly through the "O". Paced off to about 220 yds.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Like I said...I shoot squirrels every single day. Most shots are long range cuz the ones close by duck into the holes the second they see you, rarely are they even within shotgun range.

Besides...they are vermin and it is my sacred duty to kill, wound and terrorize them :)...if I can see it, I'll take the shot. Considering I've been shooting them since I was a little kid and I always get a few per day, can you imagine if I didn't?? The State would be overrun with those disease ridden terrorists; the weight of them would break the State off and sink CA into the ocean and they'd swarm east, devouring every crop in sight.

Hell, I'm a patriot and hero, I should be given a medal LOL

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Back in my oil prospecting days I carrried a Ruger Single Six on my hip when in the woods.
We were laying cable across a pond dam an one of the other "doodlebuggers" said shoot that snake. I said what snake? He pointed to the middle of the pond about 85 yds away and I said why bother than snake. Kid said because he's comming our way. I pulled out the Ruger and fired an aimed shot at it's head. Well, you know what happened. I blew at the end of the barrel, holstered the gun and NEVER pulled it out in front of those guys again! Tis always nice to witness or be the author of a great shot!
DC - let me get this straight - you have saved California? So that we have to suffer with Kalifornia pols? Boxer/Finstien?

If I sent you some money would you consider moving? :-)


"Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it sounds like
they're snoring." -Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta"
Giz, I'm with you. Now mind you, I respect that aim, DC ... no question. But if all along you could have simply quit shooting squirrels, saved all of that ammo, and single-handedly slid CA into the Pacific, then ... I think it was your sworn duty to do so for all of us here. I think just here on TFL we could take up a tidy collection to buy you a fine, new ranch in Arizona. ;)

Now, a serious question. At what distance do you sight in that 10/22, and how high do you need to hold at 308 yards?
Problem with Arizona...there is no ocean...I need to slay albacore and sharks ;)

It's sighted in at 150 and I aim roughly 2.5-3 ft above. Without a doubt its a lob shot.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Gee whiz, no wonder I have so many of the little pests up here in the northern part of the state. Seems DC is driving all the smart one's out of the south. I've got to get me one of them new fangled scopes. Heck by the time they get here you can't get within 100 yards of um. And I'm tried of slinking behind barns, trees and such to get close enough so that I can even see them.

If you ever deceide to take a vacation DC I'll put you to wor..... umm I mean show you a nice place where you can shoot ground squarrels to your harts content.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
DC - Did I read this right or did you mean you got the squirrel with a 308 at 22 yards? :)

bookie - As you know, DC is a biologist at heart. I believe she is carrying on an experiment to prove, once and for all, that Darwin was right. What you are seeing is the inevitable outcome of her experiment. Evolution requires that any squirrels now remaining in California will not venture to within 309 yards of a human carrying a gun and those that do can dodge bullets - she has created the 6 Million Dollar Squirrel.
I have an experience similar to HankL. One day a friend of mine had bought a russian sks, and he was setting up a bunch of water filled soda bottles. We paced off 150 yards and turned around to start shooting. I was wearing my pistol in a holster, I'm not a very good shot, but figured what the heck, I did a quick draw and one of the bottles exploded. (It wasn't even the one I was aiming at :) ) I had 3 witnesses who where just stunned. I put the gun away and didn't do anymore shooting in front of them, and I acted as if it wasn't a big deal. Whatever, haven't been able to do it since.
But DC, once Kali has slid into the ocean, AZ will be the coastal property ... I'd take 'em up on that offer :)