Even of she tells you not to..........TAKE THE RIFLE!!


New member
So Friday afternoon we went to the woods just to pull down a couple of stands and to check on a timber crew working the property. As we were getting ready to leave, just as I started to unlock the safe, Louann says that she really does not want the rifle in the front seat on this trip.

And she makes a pervasive argument: says that sense I bough the rifle ( a mini-14 that has been in the truck on at least 50 trips to the woods! ) 8 months ago we have not seen a coyote cross the road, and besides that she wants to take a nap on the front seat on the way to the woods and it gets in the way.

Now I knew better, even said that if I did not take it we'd see one, but as she was correct in that the coyotes somehow had picked up on the fact that the old white truck now had a rifle in it and had ceased to show themselves as we road about.......and because I knew she was truly sleepy because of the nightime hot flashes.......I gave in.

So we get to the woods, spend a hour or so checking on the timber crew, get sidetracked dipping minnows out of one of the creeks for one of her snakes to eat.....which leaves us time to get only one of the stands before it's time to run back to Palatka to see what is happening at the small animal auction ( not a good place to take a woman who has empty cages! )at 6:30.

As we're leaving the woods, not a half mile from the gate, we round a corner and sure as you'd expect there are coyotes standing in the road about 200 yards away. Soon as they see the truck they bolt, one to the left and one to the right out into a recently planted ( trees ) field.

Needless to say I started whining as soon as I saw them but had to admit that even if I had had the rifle I could not have gotten off a shot. But, as we got closer to where they exited the road I did say to her that there was a good chance that the one that had run into the field would be standing out there just looking back.

And sure as heck, as we got abreast of the spot, there, standing on top of one of the beds, BROADSIDE!, at not more than 60 yards............

And I think I could see him grinning................
Yep I've run into the most pigs and stuff when I had no rifle. I've had a coyote stop 20 feet from me, sit down and just look at me with no rifle in my hand

I always enjoy your threads. gators, pigs, "minnows for snake food," and all your other stuff, especially the pictures.

A Southern California Big City twenty-something
Ok, it is obvious what happened. Someone or something told the coyotes you did not take the rifle. Yep, the coyotes have an informant watching you and reporting to them if you take the rilfe. I wonder who it could be. Hmm - I am going with the snake.
Maybe the snake......but which one? Or maybe one of the pigs? Or a turtle? Or the flying squirrel or the chickens or the............well you get the idea......we have problems here.
Visit www.cabelas.com at one time they sold a shelf that replaces the sun visors in your truck.
I have one in both my trucks, they are an excellent place to put a rifle.
You can grab the rifle quick when needed and it's up out of the way when not needed.
Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Well it looks like Cabelas no longer carries the shelf I was talking about in my other post.
However I did a search and came across a sight called Stylin Trucks and they had them.
The product was called Shelf It.
Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Ive had a similar experience with my Coonhounds, Ill load them up, get down off the highway, on the National Forrest dirt roads, and not see a single coon while Im driving into my hunting area.
One night my wife was being irratable, and I jumped in the truck, and left, I drove through one of my favorite Creek Bottoms, no Hounds in the Dog Box, and a Big Coon jumped in the road, and ran down it infront of me for about 100 yards. Guess the Coon knew that I didnt have my Hounds with me, they must be as smart as your Cyotes.:)
Ofcourse, I will not shoot a Coon, unless it has a Hound Treeing it, so I let him go.
Had a similar experience back during the Wisconsin antlerless deer season. Fall turkey season was still going on and my turkey permit was for the same area as my antlerless permit. I had the turkey gun and calls beside the door and had intended on taking them, but at the last minute decided to leave them at home thinking I would spend the whole day in pursuit of deer with my handguns. After pooping myself out walking two miles thru swamp and blowdowns, I was on my way out of the woods on a logging road when a flock of about 40 birds crossed my path. Honking the horn scattered them in every direction with some flying across the creek on the opposite side of the lane as the rest of the flock. A perfect fall turkey setup. All I had to do was back the truck up 75 yards outta sight, sit on the lane where I scattered the birds with my back against a large tree and call once or twice. If I had the gun and calls that were sittin' by the door back home....................
It is, in fact, clear you have an informant within your compound.

Interrogations should immense immediately.
Since water-boarding is no longer acceptable(:rolleyes:), may I suggest individual interrogations be done over a pot of boiling water. ;)
"interogations"...........now that is a idea.

But if you don't mind I'd prefer peanut oil as the heat holding medium and I think the smaller of the two pigs will go first.............boy I hope she won't answer!
For future reference, take the rifle and leave the sleeper at home.
I took the Grouch Attack to help remove a couple of 2 person ladder stands yesterday. I was mad before we got out of the barn lot and it got worse instead of better. Next time, I'll just use the winch on the ATV cause it only does what I tell it, but it does do exactly what I tell it.