Even FOX news is letting anti-stuff get through unchallenged!

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Garand Illusion

New member
I know we see stuff like this all the time ... but this is just so blatant it makes me crazy:

Historic Low in NYC, Chicago Homicides

First of all ... it's great that these cities have reduced homicides. But that they give credit to new gun laws ... isn't it interesting that they are still only getting back down to levels before all of their gun laws went into effect?

And check out this jewel from Miami police, which has a long history of lying about "assault weapons" being the same as fully automatic weapons:

In Miami, authorities say the proliferation of assault weapons led to an increase in killings, from 56 in 2005 to 79 in 2006 and 86 so far in 2007.

"You just pull a trigger and 20 or 30 rounds come in a second and in those 20 rounds you're sure to hit your intended target and some innocent bystanders, totally unlike a firearm that is just one bullet every time you pull the trigger," Miami Police spokesman Willie Moreno said.

First off ... 30 rounds a second would be 1800 rounds a minute. About 3 times the fire rate of the fastest fully automatic assault weapons I know of (and the guy who could hold onto a 7.62 mm rifle with the kickback of 30 rounds in a scond is a guy who doesn't need a gun for self defense in the first place!).

And as apparently this spokesman doesn't know ... there have been no new fully automatic weapons entered into civilian ownership since 1984. Which means the number of them has been declining for 23 years.

Chicago is on track to have the lowest homicide toll since 1965, when police reported 395 killings. The city had logged 435 slayings through Dec. 26. In the early part of the decade, police often reported more than 600 a year.

Again ... I'm not an expert on Chicago gun laws, but I think most of their most draconian laws happened after 1965. And they haven't put into place any sever new laws since the "early part of the decade."

In Philadelphia, killings dipped this year after reaching a nine-year high of 406 in 2006. Through midnight Tuesday, the city had 390 slayings, or 11 fewer than at the same point a year ago.

Like Baltimore, Philadelphia is dealing with a rash of illegal handguns that officials believe are being used to resolve minor disputes.

In other big cities, Phoenix reported 207 killings at the end of November, just shy of last year's total of 214 for the same period; Boston had 66 slayings as of Dec. 28, compared with 71 by the same point in 2006; Dallas was on track to finish considerably higher, with 200 homicides as of Dec. 26, versus 175 last year.

I don't argue with that middle paragraph ... but in philadelphia where we have held the line against new gun laws, there are less murders this year. Likewise in Phoenix, which had a similar drop in homicides.

Dallas had higher homicides, but also is still struggling with Katrina refugees -- as is Atlanta, also mentioned in the article.

BTW -- I sent an email to FOX news over this. I hope y'all do to. I know they are just passing on an AP story, but it seems as though they should do some basic checking on it. Or at least complain that this stuff is being put out as news instead of propoganda.
I think it was the journalism school at Ohio State that conducted a study to see if any liberal bias existed at the four major networks. They found considerable liberal bias at the big three and less at Fox but it was still there. Liberals only think Fox is right-wing because it's closer to center than they are.
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