European in MA: OK to buy Lever-Action-Rifle and bring it to Europe?

Para Bellum

New member
Hi there,

I am European. My Dad is in MA at the moment. I'd like him to buy a Marlin 336 (Pic below) for me in MA and
- bring it with him back to Europe
- or just mail it to me in Europe (DHL, UPS etc)
- or let him buy it in MA and make the shop ship it to me in Europ.

The European side is no problem. These Rifles are not restricted here and I'm entitled to import guns.

What about the US-Side. Would any of the above proceedures be a legal problem?


You need an export license.
Some FFLs are familiar with the requirements, many are not.
You cannot legaly simply ship it out of the country, though if he can legally purchase it he could carry it out (as checked baggage) for hunting purposes and not bring it home.
You would have to have your dad get the permission of the local consul general and have them do the paperwork and approval of an alien to purchase. To take it out of the country you will need to contact Customs for the paperwork as well. Foreign nationals can not as a rule by guns in the US without permission. “Exporting” it is not as simple as checking it in hold baggage without clearance before hand at both ends you are likely to get in trouble.