Ethics of hog hunting


New member
Dogs are allowed to be used in hunts for hogs and bears, for that matter, in my state so my question for the panel is this: If you should shoot a hog or bear that has been chased towards you by someone else’s dogs should you keep it or does it rightfully belong to the owner of the dogs? I know from experience that just because the dogs are trailing isn’t a guarantee that the other guy will get it, I’ve posted here before of a small hog that got the better of several of us and got away from the dogs as well.
Generally, yes, last bullet wins. But if a guys dogs were chasing pigs and I happened to shoot one and he wanted it, he can have it. But I'd split the after hunt beer with the dog.
Do you know for certain this is the hog being chased by the dogs or possibly is this a hog simply scared up as a matter of the chase going on, along with a variety of deer, rabbits, raccoons, etc.?

If you knowingly shoot a hog somebody else is pursuing, since we are talking about ethics, that would be a really crappy thing to do. You might be in the legal right, but not necessarily in the ethical right.
Rarely happens but not worth the time to ague

If you should shoot a hog or bear that has been chased towards you by someone else’s dogs should you keep it or does it rightfully belong to the owner of the dogs?
Not with hogs but with Whitetails and yes, there has been a couple of times this has happened and always resolved quite amicably. Once it was proven that I shot the deer. The second time was in debatable and he too the deer. ...... :rolleyes:

We have seen this question come up before and in my opinion, not worth a dispute. Most hunters that I encounter can work these things out with no hard feelings. ...... :rolleyes:

Life is good and;
Be Safe !!!
This is a nicely worded post.
First, what is ethical and what’s legal may be different.

If out hunting and a hog or bear comes crashing through the woods, I am gonna shoot it.

Then I’m going to try to call to the hunter with the dogs and work things out between us.

If he’s a young fella that needs the meat, it’s all his. If he’s fine with it and wants to keep hunting? Mine.

I like the idea of splitting the meat and sharing a beer. Might be a new hunting partner was just met.
If it's hogs most of the time there is more than enough for everyone. So I would let them have it & shoot the next one.
Around here it's the last shot takes the game. I have seen deer with so many holes in them that I don't see how they got any good meat from it.
I'm with the wait and see. I would ask if I could have a quarter, but it wouldn't be a big deal. That is, if the hog don't smell like someone peed in a campfire.
This is kind of an odd question. Not because it's odd but because of maybe animal status. From what I understand hogs are pest where as bears are sought after trophies/meat. In many states it takes 3-5 years to get a bear tag and I think it would be hard to shoot a bear over someone else's dogs unless you were hunting with that group. And also had a tag at the time. My parents neighbor runs bear dogs and we tend to have him run the property every few years to make deer hunting easier.

But back to the question. I think the bear would be a discussion and property vs public land issue. Where as the hog would be an easier we're out for a chase or meat discussion.

It's not worth starting a fight over. I've never shot big game over another mans dogs even unintentionally but I have reaped the rewards pheasant hunting. Many times depending on if they have a bird or not or care or not we just split it. Once I dumped two birds because another guys dog randomly appeared. We split on the birds and limited out on the way back to the truck. If it's a kid they can have it. We need more hunters.
Not much hog hunting or hunting with dogs done here,except bird dogs.

So claiming the game ? I'll keep quiet. Y'all work it out.

But something to consider, if a hog is coming at me, with dogs behind, Where are the people who are following the dogs?

Seems like a good time to consider where my bullets are going ,at least as much as who claims the hog. Collateral Damage!! Friendly fire!

And I might think about cover if hogs are running by with hunters chasing them. They might be shooting my direction.
No regrets !!!

Not much hog hunting or hunting with dogs done here, except bird dogs.
It's a situation that is not exclusive to hogs. I've seen it happen mostly with Whitetails, Pheasants and Blackbears. I may not bring home the meat but have no regrets ..... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
I have had deer driven to me more that once. Whether or not I shot the killing shot if some other hunter walked up during its field dressing and said "he too shot it." Entrance hole or not I gave that animal up. I figure if that other hunter took the time to trail that deer on foot to my ultra hidden from view location. It's better to generous than argumentative in such situations.