Estate SWAT Buckshot-Sticky Extraction


Anyone had a problem with difficult extraction with the Estate SWAT Buckshot load? I went shooting today and had several Estate rounds that were quite hard to extract. No such problem occurred with Winchester AA, Remington 2 3/4" Magnum 1 buck, surplus GI XM162 (Winchester Vietnam-issue), or Federal H13200. Gun is my old reliable 870 Marine Magnum. It was clean when I started the range session. Nothing appears to be out of order and I finished up with 50 Winchester Light Targets without the slightest hint of trouble, as usual with this gun. By the way, the Estate load patterned as well as the Federal and shot to the same point of aim.
No problems with extraction for me.

btw: The swat load shot about 6 to 7" patterns out of a 870 IC @ 25yrds. Also recoil is not bad
I've only shot about 40 rounds of this so far, no glitches.

Even with good shotguns and ammo, there's occasional incompatabilities. If a brand and kind of ammo doesn't work 100% in YOUR shotgun, use something that does.

This further reinforces the old rule about running some duty stuff through your weapon periodically.
I have shot tens of thousands of rounds of estate buckshot and would occasionally see a round that was hard to extract but I never did isolate it to a particular brand.

Polish the chamber, check the extractor tip, make sure the magazine cap is only on snug and not gorilla tight. Also check your action bars, if you were really working hard I have seen guys twisting them to the point where they bind and cause what you describe.

If you do get one that was hard to extract take it home and give a good examination, look for scratches etc that might have caused it.
Thanks for the replies. I now have an excuse to go back out and shoot another 100 or so of this load to see if the problem happens again.