Essential items for a range bag?


New member
So, I'm not sure why I have not done this yet, but figured later is better than never.

Aside from ammo, mags and if course the gun, what do ya'll believe are absolute essentials to a range bag?

There are a few that I can think of.

Broken shell case removal tool
Cleaning supplies + rod (varies on gun)
Sight adjustment tools (if needed for the chosen firearm)
Needle nose pliers
Masking tape
Screwdriver (Phillips & flat head)
First aid kit
Water (1g jug)

There is probably more, but these I feel would be some good items to start with if you plan on staying at a range for extended periods if time.

Don't forget your guns and ammo.
Been there, done that, as, no doubt, have many others around here.
Somehow, it's just not the same throwing rocks at all the neat targets that I did remember to bring.
I must confess, I find nothing in your list of essentials to be "Essential", except maybe the tape. In fact, I've never even brought any of them to the range except the tape and screw driver.

Maybe I'm too simple.

My essentials are

1)Ear protection
2)Eye protection

I assume that the desired firearms and ammo for them are a given.
I also carry a notebook, pens and sharpies. I like to record shot count and any other issues in my notebook. I use the sharpies to mark targets if I’m adjusting sights or technique, etc.
My range is very much DIY & as an RO I bring a lot as I like to be the helpful guy who gets you out of trouble rather than the "Range Nazi". Because of that I have a lot of stuff.
muffs for each person going
spare foam ear plugs
Spotting scope
Tripod for it
gun screwdriver kit.
watchmaker screwdriver kit
2 small flat sandbags
Rifle/pistol rest
Toolkit beyond the screwdrivers. (specialty tools like gas plug wrenches & so on).
Broken case extractors for all the calibers I use.
Comprehensive cleaning kit.
red & black felt markers (to color pasters)
spare staples
duct tape
Leatherman tool (I always have this anyway)
AA mag-lite
fiber-optic for it
AA batteries
9v "Radio" battery Fits chronograph
AAA batteries (for Peltor muffs)
6" S/S ruler
gun oil
Lupe (magnifying glass)
Lens tissues/cloth
tie wraps

I think that's about it. It all goes in a plastic tool box, the type where it opens layers of compartments as you open the top.
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My bag contains:

Stapler w/box of staples
Two pairs of muffs, One set of plugs
One leatherman
Stack of targets (multiple sizes/types, all are the black splatter type)
Ziploc bag containing cleaning supplies (patches, qtips, boresnakes, rags, solvents, oils, brushes, etc)
Two different sets of cleaning rods
Lense brush/scope cleaner

Ammo typically is in cans
Magazines are typically stacked inside an ammo can
Spotting scope, rifles, handguns in their own individual carrying cases

I need to get my own wagon to cart all my gear up from the truck to the range. The wagons at the range sometimes are all occupied when I arrive.