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    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

Erase Internet History?

On Netscape, go to the "Edit" menu and go down to "Preferences." The page that should then be showing has a button that says "Clear History." You can also set how many days you want your sites to remain in the history. Newer versions of Netscape have an additional button on this page which allows you to clear the location bar (where you type in the url's).

Now that you've cleared the History, you can can go clear the Cache, which saves any GIFs and JPEGs that are on any of the websites you have visited, from the same "Preferences" menu. To do this, click the little "+" next to "Advanced" (in the white section on the left) to expand that folder. Then, click on "Cache." To the right, you will notice "Clear Memory Cache" and "Clear Disk Cache." Those will clear all of the images from your cache (all the cache does is save images and such to help frequented pages load faster). You can also set how much space you want to allow for use of the cache.

I'm not as familiar with Microsoft Internet Explorer, but it also allows you to perform these tasks. As I don't have it here at work, I can't give you any specifics, but it works along the same lines as it does in Netscape.

One other thing you'll want to check is the "Cookies." If you're not familiar with these, TFL uses them to save your preferences, password, last time visited, etc. You can disable these from the "Preferences" menu (in Netscape) by clicking on "Advanced" itself (rather than the "+"). Once this is done, you have the options of accepting all cookies, accepting those that are only sent to the originating server, ot disabling them. You can also do this in Internet Explorer, but again, I don't have the specifics. If you can find it, you might want to check the "Cookies" folder under the C: drive (if that's the drive you're working on). Normally, a little window will pop up with a list of applications you can use to open cookies file. Just select which you want to open it with (like Word Pad, or Winword). If it has a bunch of stuff about the sites you visit, just delete all the text, and save the document. Be aware, however, that the sites like TFL that use cookies wont show the little red folders for new posts, and you'll have to type in your name and password whenever you want to post.

Just remember, though, if you're on a server system, you can clear and delete all the stuff you want off of your computer. The network administrator(s), however, can always find out where you've been.

Not that I'd ever do this, though... Oops, gotta work! Seeya later! :D

Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VictorLouis:
I have Windows98 and Excel on the work computer. I accidentally stumbled /bumped up a window one day that showed all of the sites(TFL) that I'd been on , & listed several options: save into a file, discard , etc. Maybe this was in the Recycle Bin?
Anyway, I sure would like to know how to "cover my tracks", so I don't raise the ire of my boss. Can you help me please?

With Internet Explorer, click TOOLS, INTERNET OPTIONS, then you'll see a CLEAR HISTORY button near the bottom of the screen that pops up.
Depending on your company, I'd be leery about surfing the internet. Technically, you could get canned for misuse of company resources. Definitely DO NOT hit the porno sites (at least at work). Also, even on the "Net, there is a chance of downloading a virus. These can move like wildfire through a LAN.
Or right click INTERNET EXPLORER, click PROPERTIES, click delete files and clear history.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Victor, you don't need to leave TFL or be on any particular screen to clear your history files. Just follow Ezeckial's instructions and you'll get it. The "History" button on the toolbar just opens a frame that shows where you've been, as you know, and makes it easier to go to a previous location. Use the "Tools" menu, not the toolbar.
Well that is odd. Let's see what version of IE you have. Pull down the Help menu and click on "About ...". You should see the version there. In the meantime use Jim V's advice and do a right mouse click on the IE icon on your desktop, then select "Properties" from the mini-menu that pops up. That should bring up the same tools dialog where you can clear the history.
SCORED! Thanks Mal! FYI, I have version 4.72.3110 Cipher 128bit Update Version ;SPI;
Thank You again!

[This message has been edited by VictorLouis (edited February 07, 2000).]
If you have Norton Unerase or similar utility program to protect from unintentionally deleting files, you will have to do more than that to *really* cover your tracks.

If you have Norton installed, let us know, it's fairly easy to wipe that clean as well.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Right click on your recycle bin and look at the options menu that pops up. You should see things like: Open, Empty Recycle Bin, Explore, etc. (I'm doing this from memory, as I am currently using a Mac.)

If one of the options in the little pop-up menu has the word "Unerase" in it, you've got Norton installed.

BTW, why did you erase all of your previous posts?


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Short thought. Everything you access through the work computer is still in there. It can be recalled if they want to spend the time and money. Many companies keep automatic backup files that you can't touch. Most also record ALL e-mails that are recieved through work. So if they want they have records of when, where, and for how long you were stealing from the company. "they were paying you to do their work wern't they??" Spend the money and get hooked up at home. Or make darn sure it is ok to surf at work. Be careful.
Just to put you at ease, it's OK for me to be online at work, else I wouldn't do it(Yes, I believe that). I've even printed one or two posts from TFL to show the boss(he's pro-gun BTW). I just don't want them to think that TFL is the ONLY web life I have. But it is the place that I am most comfortable, and which I find the most entertaining.
I edited the posts to see if it raised any of your suspicions. It did. :) :) :)
Thanks again for all of your help. Perhaps I'll be knowledgeable enough one day to assist another Joe like me?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VictorLouis:
I edited the posts to see if it raised any of your suspicions. It did.[/quote]

Uhh....No flame intended VictorLouis, just an innocent question, but why would you want to raise our suspicions? Suspicions about what?

Erasing your posts just makes it harder for the kind folks around here to help. In addition, it prevents others from reading and learning as you did. Even after posts like this pass from view, they can be found by new members through the search function. Old threads are a good way to learn many useful things.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Touche', your'e right. I did so just a few days ago myself regarding Beretta pistols. No need to clutter things up with a new post, and the ensuing responses. My apologies to all.
Thanks to the Mal(?) for deletetion of my edited double post. I was having difficulty with the WebTV last eve., sorry.