Equipment for elk hunt


Staff Alumnus
Thought you guys might enjoy looking over what we take to elk camp in third season (early nov.) here in Colorado. Be prepared.

Personal gear

Gear: (on person)

30.06 Rifle:
bullets (20), sling, clips, pouch
.44 Pistol:
bullets (24 soft point 240 gr.), holster, belt.
Hunting Knife
wyoming knife/spare blades (1)
meat saw
Gorp/2 Breakfast Bars
Space Blanket
Waterproof Matches/Lighter/calcium carbide
metal match
Cyalume light sticks (2)
Marking Tape
Sierra Cup
Flashlight/Spare Batteries
ace bandage
ex. pair Wool Socks


Orange Jacket Fleece
Orange Coat wool
Sweater, wool (2)
Orange vest Fleece
Orange Vest, Mesh
Orange vest, down
Windbreaker/rain gear (poncho)?
wool gloves 3 pair
Fatigue pants (2)
Wool Pants (1)
Jeans (1)
10 pr wool socks
10 Pr wicking socks
2 button up shirts (1 fatigue)
Turtle neck (3)
Long Johns (3)
sleep shirt 1
Orange t-shirt (1)
Orange hats (3-mesh, stocking, jeep)
Headover (1) funny SAS hat thet you can use as a hat or a scarf.
Boots, (walking)
Boots (Sorels) Spare liners (1)

Personal Kit (in camp)

knee brace (2)
sewing kit
spare glasses
sinus medicine/ibuprofen/tums/nyquil/etc.
hair bands
Hand towel/towel

In Truck:

.12 Guage shotgun/slug barrel (back-up gun)
Shells (10 Win. 3 in. 1oz. slug ) case,
cleaning rod/brush
cleaning kit pistol/rifle
thermos/travel cup
Breakfast Bars

In Camp:

.223 Rifle (Coyote Gun) see cause if you FILL you can't be in the woods with a rifle of larger than .24 caliber hunting coytotes.
40 rds 55 grain soft points

Anything I left out????

Your suggestions welcome.

IMHO a laser rangefinder is great.

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
Well, you'll get to camp and inventory 17 cases of beer and one loaf of bread and somebody will wonder, "What are we gonna do with all that bread?" :)

Starting out from Denver, you won't need a lung transplant...

The Bushnell 800 Rangefinder is a neat deal. They don't weigh much, and might make the difference on that 6x6 across a canyon with a deceptive apparent distance.

I wish I had owned Sorels during my hunt above Gunnison. Wet feet ain't no fun.

But don't forget food and water...

:), Art
You know.. I've hunted this area for so long I have never considered a laser range finder or a GPS.... a Rangefinder is a lot of extra weight when you are busting jackpines or stalking the dark timber. But for watching an open meadow or private park at dusk and dawn..... hmmmmmmmmm?

PS yeah the food and booze have been bought.
Hell i'd eat beans and franks all week if i HAD to.. this is elk camp for god's sake. ;)


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited October 19, 1999).]
My last elk hunt, I spent the time "hunting" for meadows and parks. I'd have done well to leave the long range rifle at home in that black timber. But, (ahem :)) not the GPS or the Sylva... I sorta felt better having at least one of those along in that thick junk.

For camp, the MacAllen was a useful piece of equipment, too. :D
I've always kept a bottle of maker's mark in camp for medicinal purposes. (but never evere ever in the field guys) ;)

Also a 100 ct. of ibuprofin, and some odorless flexall 454. (you never know when you are gonna strain a muscle chasing elk)

On GPS, maps and Compass:

No GPS will EVER replace my Silva boyscout compass and topo map. GPS can fail, esp. if you batteries croak in the cold or worse yet.. on that given day when you NEED it you can't aquire 3 satellites. :(

sometimes low-tech is the way to go.

Where's the Charmin or are you a real man and wipe with your hand?

[This message has been edited by slickpuppy (edited October 20, 1999).]

no its already packed but I'm amazed i didn't put it on my list :0

besides, real men use pine needles and snow.

Every hunting jacket I have has a Ziplock sandwich baggie with a little lighter and a quarter-roll of 2-ply in it, in the pocket. Same with all my day-packs and frame packs. This is for back-up only. Folks, I've started a fire w/out matches or a lighter, and I've done the other deed without paper, and I've done lots of other things I don't ever plan to do again, too...! :) ;)