Episcopalian priestess bans guns from church


New member
Newsweek June 14 1999 reports that a Utah Episcopalian Bishop, Carolyn Tanner Irish, posted a sign in front of her church stating "The Episcopal church welcomes you, but not your guns!" with a circle and slash over a poor rendition of a tommy gun.

The Bishop was quoted as saying "After Littleton, no more nice lady.".

How foolish. Does it take an ounce of brains to see that a sign like that is not going to stop a Littleton? She really thinks that after the Littleton bombing and assault that if she posts a sign like that that it will turn away the bad guys and prevent another Littleton? Do I really need to list how many laws the Littleton murderers broke, and point out that they would not care about a stupid sign? In fact, any intelligent killer would be lured right to a church like that, knowing that no one inside is armed.

I can't think of words to display how assinine that is. And on top of it, as we can all plainly see, she is disarming all the law-abiding members, so that if another Littleton does occur at her church, there will be no one armed inside to stop it.

The Littleton murderers planned their bombing and assault and knew full well that no one there would be armed. I would suggest that most Rabbis and church leaders REQUIRE their licensed members to bring guns to church in light of todays religious conflict. It is only a matter of time before someone assaults a church service in progress with today's religious and racial tensions and no silly sign is going to turn away a madman.


"Don't confuse me with the facts, I already have my mind made up!" - gungrabber X
I wonder if she prominently displayed one of those no guns here signs on her home, as well?

If ignorance is bliss, she must be in heaven.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
Hmmm...must have been a lot of shootouts in that church I guess.

We all know that this is just a BS publicity stunt...she has to drum up attendance so she makes a problem where one didn't exist. She ought stick to things spititual and stay out of things she knows nothing about.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Guys, lets face it ,the Protestant and Catholic churches,if they are 501c3 compliant are, stooges of the government. They are tax exempt churches,and will not talk against the government policies in any way ,means or form. Even preachers like Billy Graham,Fallwell, and others have seriuosly or completely stopped preaching against the Beast System.(US CORPORATE STATE) It is the real preachers like David K. Smith, Tex Marrs, Pete Peters, and others on shortwave who are willing to speak out against this completely immoral government of "ours". You dont think any of the tax exempt churches will criticize the hand that gives them their damn tax exemptions inreturn for watering down the Gospel. If one of these government 'whore' preachers pointed out that Jesus Christ told His disciples to buy swords , they would be investigated by Federales real quick. There are brave preachers speaking out against this Babylonian System ,but you have to go to shortwave to get them. And these men know that they are on the goverment list when martial law is declared and the roundup of "dissidents" begins. The mainline 501c3 tax exempt churches have been paid off by the government like common streetwalkers. Dont get me wrong,there are many brave individuals in the mainline churches that have stood up against the evilof this system,but the leadership of the 501c3 churches have been bought off. Not that long ago we would have had men like Billy Sunday on the front steps of Congress protesting this vile,corporate plutocracy.
This has put me in a quandary.

I know it is okay to say "Bastard", but is it just as okay to say "Bitch" ??

Wonder what the lady would say if you showed up for church carrying a propane tank (like those used to solder pipes)? She could be reminded that propane was at Littleton also.
This is just another incident in a long line of attacks on gunowners. The idea is to totally demonize us until the people turn against us. Just like Hitler used the Jews.

She is probably a typical Liberal, doesn't have to work as she lives off the money of others, sits around all day dreaming up new ways to get attention for the latest leftist cause.
Well, she IS a female Bishop. Not knocking it per se, but statistically speaking, what are the odds that she is NOT an ultra liberal feminist?
I was raised Episcopalian and had been fairly close to the church for most of my life. Until 1994. I had a very unpleasant experience in my life and, due to the extremely "liberal" political and social agendas of the Episcopal church, received a very negative response when I sought comfort from both clergy and congregation. I haven't been back since. Anybody know a good "libertarian" church they can recommend?
Nwgunman,like I mentioned above in my previous comments, I believe one must get a shortwave radio and listen to the Real Preachers who arent 501c3 government controlled. Men of God like Pete Peters, Tex Marrs, David Smith, and many others are getting the message out of the evil of this Babylonian system which controls the Christian churches through tax exemptions. Even former great preachers like Billy Graham are following the "party line" of the New World Order and its aims of one religion for the peoples of the world. Jesus Christ will not be mentioned as these Apostate churches follow right into the beast system being set up by the UN Global system.All this is predicted in Revelations.The Protestant mainline churches and Catholic Church except for a few scattered in France and elswhere have bought into this one system being formed.
De haretica comburendo.

The heritic must burn. Sentence given by the Eccliastic Courts in the days of the olde.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I caught the last few seconds of a "news" (or should I say 'news entertainment'?) report on this moron as I was channel surfing. She is now giving out trigger/gun locks to the members of her church.

DC was right on in his post about this being a publicity stunt and her wanting more money.
The night Jesus was taken by the Romans, He and His diciples(sp) were at Gethsamane(sp).Peter used his sword, the period equlivent of a gun, to defend the group. Jesus had no objection to the carry of such, what makes any priest/minister/priestess/whatever think that they have better judgement than He did? The only thing Jesus concerned Himself with was the use of the sword in that situation.

Want to feel your age?Check it out. http://web.superb.net/boy/age1.html

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 19, 1999).]
I do not have a good grasp on how this church operates, however I do suspect that they like contributions from their members. Try withholding said contributioins, and telling the church "management" exactly why members have takes this specific action. Actions that effect an organizations "bottom line" tend to get people's attention.
The Episcopal Church is the American offshoot of the Anglican Church (Church of England). It has some derived rituals and organization from the Catholic Church, of which it is somewhat modeled after. It was formed by the English King Henry VIII (1534) when the Pope refused to dissolve his marriage to Kathrine of Aragon and threatened Henry with excommunication if he continued with the dissolution.
With the cooperation of Parliament, Henry proclaimed himself "Head of the Church in England", by asserting royal supremacy. Henry then seized the properties of the Roman Church and (foolishly) auctioned them off to the English aristocracy(roughly 1/5 of the total property in England). I say foolishly, because he should have kept the lands for the crown....he inadvertently strengthened the aristocracy and the future of English society and English constitution...ultimately enabling Parliament to survive while in the rest of Europe representative bodies fell before their repective crowns.
Chrchmen sympathetic to new doctrines moved the Anglican Church to doctrinal Protestantism during the next reign.

The Episcopal Church, founded in America, is
based on Roman Catholic and Anglican ideals.
Spiritual discipline and worship services are identical
to the Catholic Church. Thomas McKee Brown,
the founder of St. Mary the Virgin Church says,
"The Episcopalean Church is worked upon a
thoroughly Catholic basis...both in ritual and
teaching. The ritual resembles of that of a Roman
Catholic church, and it is frequently mistaken for
one passers-by."

In 1789, the Protestant Episcopal Church (or just
Episcopal Church) officially organized in
Philadelphia. To date, the Episcopal Church is still
affiliated with the Church of England which is
Anglican. However, since the Episcopalians have
many Roman Catholic ideals like its ritualistic
practices of parish members receiving
communion, they have been considerable
controversy with the Church of England and the
Protestant heritage that is deeply embedded in
England. The main reason why the Episcopalians
have such similar principles with the Catholic
Church is because of a movement in the 1840s called the Oxford Movement, which stressed
the Roman Catholic heritage. During the later years of the Episcopalian Church, however, the
tensions between the Protestant England diminished. The rift subsided mainly because the
Episcopal Church evolved into a liberal theology, which involves criticisms of the bible.

The Church accepted most of the beliefs and doctrines of the Church of England. It
embraces both the Apostles' and Nicene creeds. Also, the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church
of England, are integrated into its own prayer book. The clergy or laity do not have to agree
with all of these principles derived from the Church of England.

As far as its organization and leadership, the bishops run the parishes much like the Roman
Catholic Church only in areas where the Congregations are not self-supporting missions.
However, in each self-supporting parishes, they elect a lay governing board or vestry for
temporal affairs, which are things like handling the finances of the church. Furthermore, the
spiritual affairs are of course, headed by the rector and the clergy.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited July 19, 1999).]