EO 13107

Here is a very brief comment on this Executive Order:

[US or UN? This order says, in effect, that our legislature cannot vote on laws without the permisssion of
the United Nations. The United Nations will monitor the states. All laws must conform to the U.N treaty.]
CNC Director, Walter Myers, presented a letter to his County Commissioners on Monday (2-1-99) relative to
the above EO. See copies of the proposed letter to Attorney General Stovall and the other county
commissioners if there is anyone interested in submitting a similar letter and fact sheet to their
commissioners. "It's the sort of action that I think should be taken in unison in every county so it would
become clear that we have a movement rather than leaving the impression that there are but a few isolated
disgruntled citizens." See the EO 13107 here on this site or go to the White House site. Read comments
re: EO13107

How can our Liar in Chief do this? You need to read this report about the War Powers act that was passed in 1933. Copy and paste this link.


Things may be closer than we think.

A reply from Walter Meyer.

Hi John - You wrote: In your letter to the County Commissioners you
stated that the War powers Act had been in place since March 9th 1993. Was
it in 1933 when this occured?

Actually, I think that the first war powers were given to President Lincoln
in the 1860's. It was March the 9th, 1933 that the Emergency Banking Act
was passed and according to two of my friends who researched them (Dr. Gene
Schroder and Eddie Petrowski), the Emergency Powers have never been
rescinded. I cover this fairly thoroughly in my book To Tame a Tyrant and
Dr. S covered it in his book Constitution; Fact or Fiction.

Hope this helps. I've just completed a media release that you might find
of interest. Here Tis.

CNC media release 99.1
Release date - upon receipt
contact - W. L. Myers 785-594-3367 E-mail cnc@idir.net

By Walter Myers, Executive Director, Constitutionist's Networking Center

While many Americans were glued to their TV awaiting the latest revelation
in the"sexcapade" drama, President Clinton was quietly doing his masters
business. Following Impeachment by the House and before being acquitted by
the sham hearings of the Senate, our President, on behalf of those who
control him, silently issued Executive Order 13107. In part it reads: "By
the authority vested in me...by the Constitution and the laws of the United
States...and bearing in mind the obligations of the United States pursuant
to...treaties..., it is hereby...established an Interagency Working
Group...for the purpose of...developing.... mechanisms for....monitoring
...actions by the...States...,including the review....of State...laws for
their conformity with relevant treaties..."

So what you ask? Executive Orders (EOs) are being used to create law in
spite of Art. 1 Sec.1 of our Constitution delegating this power to the
Congress and to amend the Constitution though to be lawful, 3/4 of the
States must ratify them. Perhaps most importantly, those familiar with
treaties know many are designed to destroy sacred principles, policies and
procedures of our nation's founding documents. Clearly, such use of EOs is
one of the ways in which "Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of
its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed
to the people" as alleged by our nation's Republican governors in 1994.

Unfortunately, many in government lack integrity and are willing to violate
their oath of office and dishonor every man and woman who served - or is
serving - in our military forces and who took an oath "to protect and
defend the Constitution from all enemies; foreign and domestic." They
would have us believe the Emergency Powers afforded the Presidency by
Congress are lawful and capable of giving Presidents dictatorial power to
rule these united States. Unfortunately, many Presidents have used this
power to undermine the Constitution in order to condition the United States
for its role in the "New World Order" that President Bush often mentioned.

An objective analysis of EO 13107 shows it to be THE act which, if left
unchallenged and accepted as law, will formally and forever silence the
Constitution and subject all Americans to the "edicts" of the New World
Order which has been defined as: "A world that has a supranational
authority to regulate world commerce and industry; an international
organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an
international currency that would replace the dollar; a world development
fund that would make funds available to free and communist nations alike;
and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World
Order." Also, it fits the schedule of The Commission on Global Governance
as set forth in its report Our GLOBAL Neighborhood (ISBN O-19-827997-3)
calling for ushering in Global governance or the "New World Order" in the
year 2000.

According to the 3rd edition of Black's Law Dictionary, when the House
passes Articles of Impeachment, these Articles " . . . operate to
suspend him (the President); the duties and emoluments of the office
automatically devolving upon [the Vice President] for the remainder of the
term or until the disability is removed by acquittal of the charges against
him, . . ." President Clinton was Impeached at the time he signed EO

Is it possible to stop such unlawful "Federal action" exceeding
Constitutional bounds and America's entry into Global governance? Maybe.
But one thing's clear; believers in lawfully constituted government
(Constitutionists) will never know unless they try. And how should we try
? Before trying to answer this question, let's look at the sources of our
authority for doing so. I suggest that in Kansas it comes from:

1. Paragraph 2 of the Bill of Rights found in the Constitution for the
State of Kansas which says: "All political power is inherent in the people,
and all free governments are founded on their authority....."

2. Paragraph 20 of the State Constitution which reads: powers retained
by the people. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair
or deny others retained by the people; and all powers not herein delegated
remain with the people."

3. Our Declaration of Independence wherein we find: "...Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government."

Other states have similar provisions in their Constitutions. In consonance
with these constituted powers and the law, many strategies and tactics are
available with which to produce meaningful change designed to reinstate
lawful government. According to the book To Tame a Tyrant, they fall under
one of these four options.

1. Get those in office to stop perjuring themselves and to honor their
oaths of office.
2. Replace those who won't honor their oath with representatives who will
honor their oath.
3. Seek needed changes in the courts.
4. Engage in a lawful counter-counter revolution to reclaim control of the
country from the counter revolutionaries who have silently but surely
overthrown the nation created by George Washington and his peers.

The CNC suggests that only options 1 and 2 are presently viable, that
Constitutionists who agree need to focus on the strategies and tactics
supportive of them, that the effective use of these options will require
unity of spirit and action, and that this unity can best be realized
through the joint development and implementation of an action plan. The
second section of To Tame a Tyrant presents a draft plan. Prayerfully, it
will inspire a dialogue resulting in a widely accepted plan and a
nationwide team through which Constitutionists can and will Take America

Unfortunately, the reluctance of Constitutionists to jointly develop and
adopt a plan has left them vulnerable and in a quandary. Though it's clear
immediate, meaningful and unified action is needed, Constitutionists still
lack a system of organization and communication through which to achieve
it. Will we ever learn? The CNC hopes so.
Those who've read To Tame a Tyrant know the CNC doesn't think a return to
lawful government rests with the Congress as much as with our city
councils, county commissions and State legislatures. In view of this, a
data package re EO 13107 has been prepared for presentation to county
commissioners. It is readily adaptable for city councils and State

The package contains six items; a cover letter, a copy of To Tame a Tyrant
describing what's perceived to be the most important "Federal actions"
alluded to by the Republican governors, a fact sheet describing why action
is both urgent and necessary, a Call to Action by the CNC's Chairman and
General (rtd) Raymond Davis (a Medal of Honor holder), a draft letter to
State's Attorney Generals demanding filing of the lawsuit prepared by CNC
member Judge (rtd) J. J. Boesel challenging the Constitutionality of our
nation's participation in the U. N. (the Federal government admitted it is
unconstitutional in PL 313 in 1952), a draft resolution to establish a
randomly selected panel of voters to examine the facts behind the
Republican governors allegation which, if found to be true, would be turned
over to a grand jury for action (the governors are in essence alleging that
a majority of those in the Congress and White House over the years are
guilty of crimes cited in Title 18 of the Criminal code) and a draft
proposed letter to other county commissions inviting them to take similar

A complete copy of EO 13107and the letter, fact sheet and Call to Action
provided the Douglas county, Kansas commission can be found on the CNC web
site at www.idir.net/~cnc/ For people wanting to take similar action, CNC
is making a special offer of a complete package of the information plus two
extra copies of To Tame a Tyrant for $25.00. It will be shipped post paid
by priority mail and can be obtained by sending a check (shipment will be
delayed pending clearance of the check) or money order to CNC info packet,
% 442 E 1250 rd, Baldwin, Kansas 66006.