Entire Text of Senator Smith Resigning from Republican Party to run as an Independent

Senator Smith has hit right on target. The Republican Party, as a whole, no longer represents, or defends, those core values and beliefs that I hold dear.

For those of you who say that voting for GB Junior will halt the passage of new restrictions on our RKBA, I say that you're really taking the procrastinators' path to tyrrany. Personally, I will vote for who is right, not who is "electable."
One thing we have to keep in mind is what happened when Clinton got elected. Voters who normally would have voted for Busch voted for Perot out of their dissenchantment with republicans.
With the votes divided look what we ended up with.
I too am following Smith intently as posted in another thread of mine "Smith is the Man". However, when the time comes I will have to weigh the odds of hime winning verses Busch. I hope we rally behind him because I think he stands for what true Americans need.
We will need to vote with our heads not our hearts.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
All I can say is..............WOW!!!!

That took guts to say what he did. If enough people in this country read, watched on C-Span, or hear about what he said, things could get interesting.

I did not think anything like this could happen in these dark times!!
INTESTINAL FORTITUDE!!!! Too bad there is not
enough of it around today.
Leedesert, quite simply, it is becomming much more difficult to differentiate between a Republican and a Democrat, except for the R or D after their names. The GOP leaders of the House and Senate have reportedly said that they would like to pass some meeaningful gun control legislation before the end of the legislative year. The same churl that the Demo's are shooting out of their vomitous mouths.

As far as I'm concerned, the only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is that a Republican is only slightly less inclined to tax the living hell out of me.

BTW, if you do a little digging into the political history of some of the Republican bum munchers currently in the House and Senate, you'll find that they were, at one time, raging Democrats.

Sadly, I've come to realize that many Replicans are basically liberal and are too afraid, as yet, to come out of the closet to declare themselves as such.
Does anybody know how his canidacy is going?
Is he raising money?
Has he announced who is running mate will be?
Finally someone who has the experience, abilitys and the moral fortitude---now if he can just get elected......fubsy.
I can't support Smith personally, but the man's got huevos grandes.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart