Engagement Gun


New member
So, I took my .50 caliber ammo can that is labeled "turkey loads" to the bank and consolidate all the coins and paper script into 15 c notes and ventured up to Atlanta.

Had lunch at Hooters with a couple of beers to fortify my courage. And then met one of the Ladyfriend's sorority sisters at the jewelry store/diamond importer.

And bought an engagement ring. But enough about that.

I somehow convinced the LadyFriend (a lot of wine may have been involved) that once I popped the question that she would by me an engagement gun.

I was convinced that I was getting a Colt XSE, but low and behold, I got a new production Winchester Model 70 Sporter in .270 Winchester (she can repeat verbatim my rant about how Jack O'Connor is all that is man) and a Loopy 3x9 rifleman atop it.

So, thus far this whole engagement/marriage thing ain't half bad.

Sidenote: our wedding venue is going to be at the sporting clays course.
Someone has to ask it. So I will. What's her mother look like? Daddy have any money? snicker.
Kind of suspect, "Wha'd you buy me?" wouldn't be the right question to pop. snicker.
Congrats, it's nice to have a partner that supports your interests.

My last four firearms were purchased under pressure from my current spouse. Of course, I didn't resist. Way different than my first spouse.
I'm planning on getting engaged next year and Ive actually started putting a similar bug in her ear.. love it!
Let me know in a couple of years if your as lucky as I am.
The following is one of the Christmas presents.

Seems as though we both are lucky:D


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Possibly from Jeff Foxworthy:
"There were so many shotgun weddings in my home town when I was young they called the local church Winchester Cathedral."

Having your wedding at the sporting clays club I'm sure you're going to get tired of the 'shotgun wedding' jokes.

Congratulations and the best of luck!
Having your wedding at the sporting clays club I'm sure you're going to get tired of the 'shotgun wedding' jokes.

Actually, that is where the idea came from. Me and my sister were there shooting a while back and there was a wedding there that afternoon. The daily scorecards were printed with "Russ and Lisa: Shotgun Wedding 6-10-16"

Her Mother is very pretty in that graceful dignified older Southern lady kind of way. Her Dad is a homicide detective, so not much money, but a bunch of cool old S&W hand guns

No go on the sister, but she does have a brother in the Navy. Sorry buddy.

Thanks for all the well wishes, guys.