

Looking to buy a No 4 Mk 1 Enfield .303. What are these going for in good shooting condition? Not looking for a safe queen. I see that Wolf makes steel case .303 ammo for cheap now and I will be shooting mostly that. Haven't got into Enfields because before Wolf, only pricey brass ammo could be had. Please let me know!
I bought one in June for $350 that included 100 rounds of ammo. It was in decent condition with a mismatched bolt. I also wanted a shooter. Bore was very good, but it would barely pass a field gauge, so I replaced the bolt head to tighten up the head space. It shoots good. I'll be reloading. Steel case ammo can be hard on extractors.

Prices tend to fall into the $350 to $500 range in my area depending on condition.

I would advise you to look at the bolt on any Enfield you plan to buy. Bolt heads are numbered 0 to 3. If you have a 0 or 1 then you have room to move up to a 2 or 3 to fix head space issues, although finding a #3 bolt head is nearly impossible these days. If the gun already has a 2 or 3 bolt head, I'd check with a head space gauge before buying. Also rotate the bolt head and make sure it does not rotate more than 20 degrees past vertical (the original one on my rifle did). Bolt heads that over rotate pull all the pressure on the bolt head threads, and will wear quickly resulting in head space issues.
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Depends on where you are and the condition. They start at roughly $500 on GunsAmerica. Lotta really idiotic prices there.
Have a look at this one on GunBroker. Postwar Long Branch rifles were the best ever made. Isn't stupidly priced either.
When you find one(buy nothing touched by Century Arms. Notorious for assembling rifles out of parts bins with zero QC. Thousands of rifles have been assembled by them with bad headspace.), check the headspace first, then slug the barrel.
Like Ernest T says, fixing bad headspace is easy but you need proper headspace gauges and bolt heads. Those run about $30 each
Lee-Enfield barrels can measure from .311" to .315" and be considered ok. Problem is that current ammo and reloading bullets are .311" or .312" depending on the maker.
Wolf also makes brass cased .303. Their site doesn't say what diameter they use.