

New member
I ran across a No.4 MKI Savage made Enfield at a gun shop the other day that looked pretty good. I don't know a whole lot about these, but I'm thinking real hard about buying it. I already read the faq at rec.guns, any other advice or things I should look for before buying this gun? Does anyone know how to check the headspace on one of these? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


[This message has been edited by Walker (edited December 14, 1999).]
The only way to really check the headspace is to use a headspace guage. If you can't find one to borrow or the gunshop doesn't have one, www.brownells.com sells them.

BTW, Enfields are really fun guns to shoot. Burns Bros has 303 surplus ammo for sale at a good price. Ask for the Greek stuff, it's noncorrosive and pretty accurate. AIM Surplus has the same ammo on cloth machine gun belts for a good price also.


[This message has been edited by Gino (edited December 14, 1999).]
Get yourself an empty cartridge, and cover the primer end with a piece of masking tape. The bolt should close on it. Put another piece of masking tape over the the first and the bolt should not close. Do not try to force it. Masking tape is typically .004"-.008" thick.

I use this method on all potential purchases of Enfields. It isn't perfect, but it will tell you if it is safe to shoot or not.

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson