Enfield #5 MKI, Surprise


New member
Hello folks! I'm new to your site, just discovered it last week. I was reading a thread by MJ1 on page 2 of the C&R forum, "Any Enfield Shooters Here" when a reply by DoctorXring really got my attention. I know very little about Enfield rifles, other than I like them, so you can understand my surprise when I find a twin to my #5. I've had mine around 20 yrs. and never saw another late mfg., unissued #5 MKI (F) or even a pic. of one, and his is even later than mine! (12/47) Outstanding rifle Doc! and this is a Great Forum!


That makes 2 for me as well.


Beautiful rifle and bayonet ! Thanks
for posting it. Everybody likes rifle
pics, so post away and welcome !!



Great to see you enjoying your No5 Mk1 ... they are superb little carbines and I love mine as seen below. Please visiit the Enfield forum in my signature and add yourself to the No5 Mk1 serial number survey thread if you get time. I have also created a No5 FAQ there where some of your other question may be answered.

Best, Tiki. :cool:



wow what a beautiful jungle carbine....sure beats the one my grandad had issued to him for civil defense(along with a geiger counter) in the 60's...it was sitting in a basement until about a year ago...fire ready now but damn yours looks good!
Nice Npo5 and bayonet you have allons. Hard to find in that good of condition. I sure would like to find a BSA as nice as my Faz.



Holy dead thread batman, I got to start looking at the dates!
madcratebuilder: "..looking at the dates (on threads)!"

But not only are these rifles and threads timeless, you guys have the nicest I've ever seen. Do they get used fairly often, and carried only in bubble wrap?

Having begun attending shows (15-17) only since late '08, only saw two original #5s.
A private seller with a table at the Franklin TN show weeks ago has one in mint condition.

Were the rifles sent to Malaysia both Fazakerly and BSA? One of my pair has the shiny, dark chocolate finish (V5**) but have no idea from which factory.:confused:
To the left of this same serial# on the action are three or four other faded numbers in a series.
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I am pretty sure my rifle came to Australia via UK since it bears the England export marking. I fire my rifles regularly and no bubble wrap ... I just look after my guns.

If your rifle is a V prefix then you have a 1946 Fazakerley manufactured rifle ... see my No5 Survey sticky at the Enfield forums for more information and comparison data. http://www.surplusrifleforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=52472

If you want more definitive answers, post pics showing all markings and I'll give you the skinny.

My No 5

Hello All,

My No 5 is a Fazarkely made in 9/46 ser X69**, I am happy to see some Enfield guys here as I have been collecting them for about 20 years now. I found my Jungle Carbine in a little gun shop in Indiana in a neglected corner of the rack ( I spotted that flash hider from clear across the store) it had a coat of heavy brown porch paint all over it and a pink and blue dog collar as a sling. I took her home and cleaned her up and she is a purty little thang now. I've been trying to post pics but the pictures are too big I'll have to get my wife to do get them on.



  • jungle carbine 001.jpg
    jungle carbine 001.jpg
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I transport in soft cases and I'm not hard on my equipment at all. Everything gets a drink of blo at least once a year depending on how often it's used.

I recently picked up a second No5, it's a faz that had been sporterized. The backsight removed and the flash hider was cut off:mad: I had a No5 spare sight, found a flash hider at a show, I'm into it about $150 so far. It had a Redfield receiver sight on it that well recoup half of my purchase price. I hope the flash hider change goes well, waiting for a warmer shop.



I like the furniture on this one, another plus was the Santa Fe 5 round mag in it. I needed that for my one sporterized deer rifle.
You may add my data to your list:
#5 mk.1
On left side of receiver at wrist:
"M 47 C" (very uneven, looks like a hand stamp)
"BK5269" (Electro pencil)

On barrel, Left side just ahead of stock, BNP proofs
On Receiver ring L side "Crown over BNP"
L side of Receiver "No.5 Mk.1."

On bottom of mag: Serial #
On L side of butt steel: Broad arrow and "M/78"

Steel cap on front of stock - yes
800 yd sight with "B" in top left corner

Edited to add: Under a glass, the flat of the round portion of the bolt reads: "M47C"
Wrist of stock bottom has
Crown over a mark that has been canceled with a large broad arrow.
Serial # appears on bottom of stock, 1" in front of barrel band.

Mine wears a tan sling marked"M.W.& S. Ltd 1940
Bore perfect, stock Excellent
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OK , some info on mine.

No 5 MK1 ROF (F)
11/46 Y 4761

Appears unissued. Birmingham commercial "BNP" on left side of receiver ring, full proof on left side of barrel ahead of handguard. Paint finish.


OK, I have had mine for awhile, but never really "looked" at it.

Receiver NO5 MKIROF (F)
1/45 E9005
Metal below the safety stamped with F MP

Looks like a lttle arrow head pointing up under the M
Front of forearm has the serial number and 6<D>1 stamped in the wood.
FWIW the magazine has the same serial number as the rifle.
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Wish I still had mine to join in. One of my most bone headed ideas was trading it for a Hakim several years ago. That dumb act is one of the main reasons for my sig line below. To make it worse, the rifle was dated 4/47. MY BIRTH DATE IS 4/47. I guess what they say is true, you can't fix stupid. But I'll add that you can learn from it.
I've had two of them over the years and someday I hope to get one more. It was a fun rifle to own and shoot. Great memories!:D

What are the going prices for Enfield .303's these day?
I once fired a No. 5 with the flash hider removed, at dusk. That was when it got through my dim bulb brain that a flash hider was not to keep the enemy from seeing the flash, it was to keep the shooter from being blinded.

That Mk VII cordite ammo produced a red, orange, blue, purple flash about 3 feet in diameter and about four feet long, and left the shooter and everyone around him blinded for several minutes.

Thanks for the info.

I would have posted photos of all my guns numerous times, but don't understand the technology.
My wife can usually get through the procedures, but she has not sold on E Bay for a while and she's rusty.

BrittB: For the #4/Mk1, last winter at two of the shows down south, guys asked $300 but usually settled for about $275.
The Longbranch rifles have matching bolts/actions and bores in really good condition. You might know that BT bullets in 2-groove bores can 'keyhole' from 100 yards. This happened in One of my 2-groove Longbranches. Most of Prvi's ammo now is BT.

Have you looked at "Joesalter", whose large business is in NH? Lots of his items came down somehow from his Canadian business.
My first #5 came from his business in early '09 -exactly as advertised/depicted- and not wanting to pay any more shipping+FFL costs, decided to only buy at gun shows after that.
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