Energized 2nd Amendment Activists Defend Their Civil Rights In Sunnyvale, CA

I 'm a Democrat, and I love my guns.

It's going to take more than 100 people to make an impact there. That's why there's no movement in CA, it has nothing to do with the Democratic party, it's the people. It's simple; the general population in CA does not care enough about their 2nd amendment rights to generate a change, like in FL, TX, other parts of the famous Bible Belt, and now most states in the union.

I lived in Oxnard CA for 5 years while in the military, and I experienced that most folks I knew felt that guns were for police, military and bad guys.

God bless Florida (my home for the past 6 years), & my home state of Texas!
Carry_24/7 said:
It's going to take more than 100 people to make an impact there. That's why there's no movement in CA, it has nothing to do with the Democratic party, it's the people.

Granted CA gun owners are a distinct minority, yet they have come out in droves to various city, county and State legislative meetings, to directly oppose more restrictions on their rights.

How many other groups (of like minded individuals) do you know that have gotten together to fund litigation in as many court challenges as have those Californians?

What other State has a permanent and full-time NRA legislative lobbyist?

What other "may issue" State has a coordinated effort to hold every county Sheriff to the law, as it is written, in issuing CC permits? An effort that is paying off, I might add, as more and more Californians are getting their permits.

When was the last time you saw 100 concerned citizens at any Planning and Zoning Committee/Commission meeting? City Council meetings rarely garner that kind of public interest, regardless of the size of the city.

Yet in the past several months, Planning committees and Council meetings that are being held to forward an anti-gun agenda, are being held to sometimes overflowing audiences.

Mr. Yih-Chau has been reporting on these for some time now. This is not the first, only the latest.
How many other groups (of like minded individuals) do you know that have gotten together to fund litigation in as many court challenges as have those Californians?
Despite some onerous restrictions, California has a distinct and close-knit gun culture. As with anywhere else, you have three stripes of gun owners:
  • those who simply abide and live with the regulations,
  • those who hate the regulations, but do little beyond complaining, and
  • those who actually do something about the problem.
That third group is unusually energetic, organized, and active in California. As with New York and Maryland, they've got an uphill battle, but they've got a battle plan, and they're making real progress.

This is why all the "if you don't like it, move out of California LOLZ" posts are so annoying. Someone has to be willing to stick around and fight it out, and fortunately, there are a lot of people in California willing to do so.
It's going to take more than 100 people to make an impact there. That's why there's no movement in CA, it has nothing to do with the Democratic party, it's the people. It's simple; the general population in CA does not care enough about their 2nd amendment rights to generate a change, like in FL, TX, other parts of the famous Bible Belt, and now most states in the union.
While it's true that CA is a minefield of 2A infringement, you are ill-informed about the size and efficacy of the opposition there.

There are hundreds of thousands of 2A supporters in CA, and a core of them that are well-funded, organized, coordinated, strategically deft, smart, connected, and crazy like foxes.

The story of gun rights in CA is a David and Goliath tale that is continuing to unfold. CA activists are on the front line of the fight much like the folks in DC and Chicago.

They proactively fund significant 2A cases, many of which have broad national implications. They help fill the calendar of top-tier civil rights attorneys like Don Kilmer, and none other than Alan Gura of Heller vs DC fame

Because of the support of the 2A community, 2/3 of the counties in CA are now essentially shall-issue CCW. Against insurmountable political odds, with with idiots like Kevin DeLeon introducing nuisance legislation almost daily, the 2A community community is nevertheless transforming the landscape of gun rights.

They have used deft legal maneuvering to effectively moot the state AWB. The have cases underway to take down the 'safe gun roster' and the magazine limit. They are suing for a version of shall-issue that essentially means self-defense=good cause, and good moral character=not-prohibited, which are the two criteria by which CCW licenses are denied in CA.

Calguns foundation has and is continuing to fund and successfully defend bogus criminal cases against lawful gun owners.

Don't underestimate our brothers on the West Coast. They are doing the hard part and doing it well.
Good info, as when I lived in Cali and then next door in Yuma AZ even a few years ago I did not see this movement you guys speak of. I felt like a minority seeking out shooting ranges in CA and overall even talking about guns. The environment I experienced in Cali concerning guns was worlds away from that of TX, FL, and even their neighbor AZ.

Times change.
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20 years ago - if you would have told me that CA would have concealed carry before IL - I would have said - "No Way"

My general opinion was that the people in CA were electing anti-gun politicians. LAPD under McNamara was this seeming proving ground of anti-gun ideology. If anything I feared CA making significant anti-gun legislation that would serve as precedents for the rest of the nation, especially on the federal level, that would afffect me in IL. I always thought that the downstate IL citizens, hunters and target shooters, would prevent significant anti-gun legislation on the state level, but the whole thing seemed like an uphill battle. I always felt we were on the defensive, just reacting to whichever latest anti-gun legislation was launched at us.

Here we are in 2011 and CA has CCW (albeit limited / restricted), and Illinois does not.

When I first started learning about gun laws and the constitution, I was mystified how there could be laws against gun ownership when the constitution so clearly says "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Then I learned how complicated it all was, the caveat that anti-gunners hung their hats on "A sound militia..." etc...

I think I just have to have faith that the constitution is what it is, the meaning that our forefathers had when they formed this country and created the 2nd Amendment was and is clear. The constitution is probably the most powerful man-made document in the world, perhaps the most powerful document humans have ever created.

In time even the Chicago political machine can not stand against the power of constitution.
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I would say this with all the lawsuits that have been filed the California gun owners are going for the gold. I hope they win. If they can crack California it would signal that the anti gunners are on the very short end of the stick. That day is coming.

If 100 people show up at a city council meeting and only 5 are pro gun control advocates and 34 out of 33 speakers are pro gun it will make some sit up and take notice and might back down the fence sitters.

Politicians have to listen to voter or ignore them at their own peril.

We had a local Congressman who had been in for years name of Jack Brooks. One of our Governors who thought that she knew better than the citizens named Ann Richards. Jack thought he could sell the local gun owners on the fact that he voted for that ban in 1994 in exchange for college funding locally. As an incumbent he took a whupping at the polls. last I saw of ex-Gov Richards she was doing Doritos commercials in TV.

As a gun owner I make sure I do not miss an election.... and I make sure the candidate knows it.

I think it would be great if we all had T-shirts that said I am a gun owner and I vote to wear to every election.
I moved out of CA five years ago but for reasons other than the gun control politics.

I still pay a degree of attention to what's going on out there and I can vouch for the fact that there are plenty of people in the state working hard to re-secure the rights of CA gun owners.

This article is heartening, to be sure.
