End of Military Surplus Coming


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Eric Holder has announced this: "This morning, I’m pleased to join the President, the Vice President, and countless Americans in calling on Congress to enact legislation addressing gun violence – including measures to require universal background checks, impose tough penalties on gun traffickers, protect law enforcement officers by addressing armor-piercing ammunition, ban high-capacity magazines and military-style assault weapons, and eliminate misguided restrictions that require federal agents to allow the importation of dangerous weapons simply because of their age."

So much for our C&R licenses, eh?
really? you are getting bent out of shape over this?
universal background checks
this already exists
impose tough penalties on gun traffickers
so does this
protect law enforcement officers by addressing armor-piercing ammunition,
and this

seriously, the only gun that gets around 922R because of C&R status is the SKS and that market is already on the precipice of being dried up. also the SKS is completely ban compliant as is.

this is all moot anyway, the senate and house are controlled by separate parties and neither of them are willing to give any ground to the other side on any topic whatsoever so this bill has been dead in the water since day one. even if it does pass, this nation has seen gun bans before and survived.
Calling on Congress to enact legislation and Congress enacting legislation are two substantially different things. I'm not sure that I'd be worried, but I would remain aware. And continue to communicate with my representatives.
It is unlikely that the majority of what the administration wants will actually get passed. However it is important to hold your elected federal representatives feet to the fire to keep it from happening. Then of course there is the continued use of executive orders, and legislation by regulation. But I don't think it will have too much of an adverse effect on C&R milsurps. Just have to keep a close watch on Washington, and remember on election day who our friends are, regardless of party affiliation.
I really don't see the end of military surplus, at least US surplus rifles.

The AG nor the President can do anything without getting congress to repeal the CMP Charter.

I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon since its been in effect either by the CMP or its forerunner the DCM, since 1903.
It looks like those "reasonable" restrictions just keep expanding. I wonder when Biden will have his shotgun confiscated? Oh, I forgot. He is the Vice-President so he doesn't have to obey laws like us mortal folks.

Slow news day.

All posturing and window dressing.

There may be some of the less controversial items passed, but most of this is already DOA.
Apparently, my reference to the C&R license wasn't clear enough. I got 'bent out of shape', as it was put, by this one sentence "eliminate misguided restrictions that require federal agents to allow the importation of dangerous weapons simply because of their age."
Another Obama administration slip up. Admitting that what they really want is all guns. Kind of hard for them to convince the public that they don't when Holder says that 50 year old, and older bolt action rifles are "dangerious weapons". I sure hope that he will be called on that comment, but don't expect it to be by the so called news media.
We all know this is silly. There is a difference between gun grabbing and fighting crime. The laws are in place to do what they want.
Hmmm. It strikes me that, perhaps, the intention here had to do with so-called "assault rifles", even of C&R AGE. Since I've not heard of ANY talk regarding restriction of non- semi auto weapons (such bolt actions)..... I think the statement is being misinterpreted.

In any case, all of this is nothing more than massive speculation - with NOTHING to back it up.

But oh, I forgot, the "secret agenda" of taking all guns trumps all, right ? :rolleyes: Paranoia never sleeps...... :rolleyes:
"eliminate misguided restrictions that require federal agents to allow the importation of dangerous weapons simply because of their age."

The curious thing about his comment though is just exactl what dangerious weapons. Full-auto, true assault weapons are already highly restricted class III weapons even If they are also classified as curio and relic. So does that mean he wants the 10 round, fixed magazine SKS added to their assault weapon list. Maybe the Hakim, FN 1949, and MAS 49/56 added as well!
The moment the majority of gun owners believe "they only want this" and "they aren't after all our guns" is the moment we lose all. No paranoia, just attention to what is going on.
I agree that at this time there isn't much of a chance for most of their agenda to go anywhere. But that doesn't mean that they won't continue to try. That is why it is so important to stay aware, and keep involved. Keep letting our friends in State, and Federal legislature know where we stand, and what is expected; of them. Also, convince those who are not so friendly that their re-election may well depend on their actions on gun control.
Hmmm. It strikes me that, perhaps, the intention here had to do with so-called "assault rifles", even of C&R AGE. Since I've not heard of ANY talk regarding restriction of non- semi auto weapons (such bolt actions)..... I think the statement is being misinterpreted.

In any case, all of this is nothing more than massive speculation - with NOTHING to back it up.

But oh, I forgot, the "secret agenda" of taking all guns trumps all, right ? Paranoia never sleeps......

People who rationalize what these guys meant to say as opposed to just taking it at face value (he didn't say some C&Rs, now did he?) are how gun rights keep getting eroded. The war right now is not on semi autos; Feinstein isn't trying to ban BAR hunting rifles. It's the "military style" guns that are being sought, and a WWI bolt action definitely fits into that niche. So why wouldn't it be on the chopping block?

Here's some more "paranoia;" if C&R licenses are rescinded, why wouldn't the ATF try to account for all the registered license holder's "dangerous" guns? Better keep that little bound book for all time, and hope that you never sold one of those guns in an untraceable private transfer, you gunrunner, you ;)

I do wonder what is it going to take for anyone who owns a firearm, any firearm, to realize that the entire Second Amendment is under serious and sustained attack. Are they going to wait until they have to sign out their skeet gun from locked storage at the local club, following another background check to make sure they haven't been deemed mentally incompetent that week, and verification that they have purchased no more than 50 shotshells (no illegal manufacturing of shells at home), and making sure their liability insurance is paid up and in force, before they get the idea?
Holder is not talking about "assault weapons' or machineguns. He is talking about those Mosin-Nagant rifles, Nagant revolvers, P1 pistols, and Yugo Mausers folks have been buying for years.

GCA '68 banned the importation of milsurp firearms, supposedly to prevent another president from being assassinated with an evil Carcano. The fact was that a good part of the law was written by Winchester's lawyers and intended to prevent competition from milsurp rifles. Winchester, based in New Haven, publicly opposed Sen. Tom Dodd (D-CT), the main sponsor of the bill, but secretly donated tens of thousands of dollars to his campaign.

In 1986, Congress kept the milsurp ban but was persuaded by gun collectors and the NRA-ILA to add Paragraph 925 (e), which reads:

(e)Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the Attorney General shall authorize the importation of, by any licensed importer, the following:
(1)All rifles and shotguns listed as curios or relics by the Attorney General pursuant to section 921(a)(13), and

(2)All handguns, listed as curios or relics by the Attorney General pursuant to section 921(a)(13), provided that such handguns are generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes."

The word shall makes issuance mandatory, but the law leaves it up to the AG to decide what guns are C&R, so it is pretty obvious that Holder will just ban all or almost all milsurp imports.

Another argument that can last a decade. All I have to say is infringed is a very strong word. Means I should be able to own any weapon I want. End of story.
I do wonder what is it going to take for anyone ... to realize that the entire Second Amendment is under serious and sustained attack. Are they going to wait until they have to sign out their skeet gun from locked storage ... before they get the idea?

For some people, yes. That's exactly what it will take.
The kind of leaders who want to disarm the people are not going to be content with locking up skeet guns. Oddly, they agree with the NRA that guns don't kill, people do; they don't want to just eliminate all privately owned guns, they want to eliminate people who would even think about owning one.

And they don't care about some words in what Teddy Kennedy once called "a piece of eighteenth-century toilet paper."

James K. is absolutly correct. And not just because he is Steff.

Your buddy wants all the guns, all the parts and all the ammo to boot. Mosin or no Mosin.