"End of Days" stupidity.


Retired Screen Name
To be honest, I was kinda looking forward to this one. Then I found out about the plot--Schwartzenegger(?) as a burned out, drunken cop who fights the devil. Huh?

To make things worse, I picked up a copy of Flex at the grocery store (yeah, I know, but I didn't buy it, just leafed through!) and they had a little feature on the movie. There was a quote from Ahhnold in which he said "We had a priest read the script and he told me we couldn't do it this way because all guns and other lethal devices are creations of the devil. I thought about it and realized he was right, so we rewrote it."
So apparently not only does Ahhh-nold think guns are evil but his character, a COP, will have something against guns and refuse to use one too! How many cops do you know who don't use guns? And thank God we preserved the realism, that was what drew me to the story of a burned out cop fighting the DEVIL in the first place . . . .



"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Gwinny take a deep breath and repeat after me...
"its only a movie"
"its only a movie"

Besides would the exorcist have been scary if max von sydow just showed up and shot linda blair full of holes???

The battle between good and evil is a battle of faith and conviction and morals and courage (regardless of culture)... not a show of skill in marksmanship.

Just something to think about.

Ahhnold flubbed it again. Doesn't Ahhnold know that we want to see him bristling with
all the guns that we can no longer lawfully purchase and love to watch him kick the fecies out of the bad guys? If Ahhnold wants to go democrap, he can make another all warm & fuzzy movie like kidergarden kop or
that comedy he did with Danny Diveto, "Twins". we want another movie like True Lies or Commando or Eraiser or Preditor or Terminator. I guess since " End of Days"
does not have any guns in it, 1. it will stink & 2. I will not go to the movies to see
it.3.I might rent it on video on the half price discount day, which is all it will probably be worth, lacking gun fights. Ahhnold needs to have his head examined by a NRA Certified
Pistol Safety Instructor to counteract all the liberal lies the poor man has been subjected to by the Hollywood liberals. Its not bad enough that the liberals are messing with our second ammendment rights and freedoms and our shooting sports but now they have to polute our entertainment with their unwanted
anti gun political agenda. What part of unwanted do they not understand?

Arnold should have skipped the meeting with the liberal priest.

I was really looking forward to another Arnold Swartznieger Shoot em up with
lip smacking intensity. Arnould with out guns is like a boat out of water; it just lays there.
Oh well, Arnold is starting to suffer from old age. I guess we need a new action hero.That is unless Arnold gets his head back on straight and straps on his assault rifle again. I hope those horsebutt liberal hollywood movie producers read this and wise up. Warm & fuzzy is fine and appropiate for childern who can not differieniate between fantisy and reality but adults should still be able to see a blood & guts shoot em up.
I'm still waiting for you to come back ,Arnold! Don't keep me waiting too long now, Ya hear!

" I'll be back!" says Arnold. Promises, promises.

Yea---sure. What year?
[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 11, 1999).]
One of the primary side-effects of long term steroid abuse is the reduced ability to produce testosterone naturally. Maybe his past is just catching up with him. I've known priests all my life and am sure I would have to go out of my way to find one as dim witted as Arnolds consultant.
Rob, I get what you're saying. I do.

But I wasn't really saying that I wanted to see gunfights--if the guy had said "Won't this be more entertaining if your character finds himself unarmed?" or maybe "My son, a gun would do no good against Satan, find a better plot device!" then that would be fine. What got me was the priest saying to cut the guns simply because they are evil, and Ahhh-nold AGREEING with that stupidity. You and I know that objects are not evil and I'm getting tired of making excuses for people who don't. It only makes it worse that he's a priest--aren't priests supposed to give the nature of good and evil serious study?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
My wager is that this is a typical publicity stunt. In a year or two Arnold will be back to shooting bad guys, and perhaps also telling us how bad guns are ... more typical Hollywood bull.

There must be a virus over there that induces brain fade ... ;)
heh, guess you aren't the only one not to like the picture. somebody *hacked* the offical site for the picture.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>WARNING: Third party interception in progress!! <br>

Redirection to 296.666.999.696 <br>


The movie is a fraud. I alone know the End of Days, for I will be there to ignite the destruction of mankind and reclaim what is mine. <br>

Do not attempt to leave. It is already too late.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited November 12, 1999).]
Gee, maybe guns *are* evil. They seem to eat up all of my available money and sometimes lead to arguments with my wife...


Could be...
I dunno guys, I saw the trailer and for one brief moment I'd swear I saw Arnold holding what appeared to be a Desert Eagle.
I'll withold judgement until I've seen the movie.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited November 12, 1999).]
Yeah, I just saw it too. As long as I'm admitting guilty pleasures, I saw it on the WWF Smackdown show. Hmmm. Maybe the character tries a Mozambique drill on Santa (oops, that should be Satan :) ) only to abandon the gun when it turns out to be too evil to stop him? I dunno. I just didn't like the assumption implied in his comments to Flex.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Funny things I've encountered with that movie and Arnold Schwarzenegger:
1. In the August 1999 (vol.2 No.II) issue of Small Arms Review, an ad of Long Mountain Outfitters, the broker of the stock of weapons that Stembridge Rentals (biggest supplier of weapons, usu. class 3 for Hollywood ) is selling off states that "Stembridge has served the movie industry form the first film in 1916 (Squaw Man) to the last (End of Days) where Arnold Schwarzenegger fights the devil himself." (p.48)
2. In a old copy of Soldier of Fortune magazine (circa 1984/85), there is a article on the then-new movie "The Terminator". In an interview (done by Dale Dye) with Arnold, he answers to him that he has a number of guns (the number is around a dozen to sixteen) and they are mostly shotguns and handguns. Granted, it's been about 15 years since the interview, but I think he is likely to have some of those guns.
Hmmm. Is Arnold, "I am a Republican", another one of those who say, "Restrictions are good so long as they don't restrict ME"?
If the priest thinks all weapons are inventions of the devil, he needs to read his Bible a little more closely. The very first weapon in the Bible- a sword- is in the hands of the angel guarding the garden of Eden.