EMP3 frame


New member
Trying to find rubber grips for my Springfield EMP 3. I checked Houge cause they have rubber grips with finger grooves on front strap for commander size 1911. I called them and they said it would not work cause the frame on my EMP3 is 3/4" wide. I now take it that a commander in 9mm's frame is wider than a .45 commander frame and I failed to ask the inside front strap width. If anyone with a 9mm commander could tell me what the frame width is on their 1911 I might be able to make something work to fit my EMP3. Otherwise pearce sells a rubber finger groove piece that the sides can slip under grip to hold it in place. If anyone has one of these finger groove add on's, how well does it work. Any and all info is always appreciated, Thanks, Richard.
All Commander frames are the same, regardless of chambering.
The EMP is a proprietary design, shared with no other gun, so you must use EMP-specific grips.
Springfield reduced the front-rear depth of the frame, compared to standard "1911" dimensions, to suit the gun to the shorter .40 and 9mm.
Actually, the gun was originally chambered in .45 GAP, but that was shelved and the EMP appeared a couple of years later.
Thanks, that answers alot of questions. Time to put the brain in gear and see what I can come up with. This is the kind of challenge I like. Thanks again.
I use those Pierce front strap finger groove inserts on standard 1911s. They won't fit an EMP correctly due to the fact that the EMP grip frame is (approximately) 1/8" shorter fore-to-aft than standard 1911s. But, the rubber portion that goes under the grip panels is very thin and it would be easy to enlarge (elongate) the holes, mount the insert, and then trim off the excess from the back. The only question would be if the grip panels would provide enough friction to keep the insert in place.

Pierce makes those in both Government/Commander length and Officers/Defender length. I don't remember which length the EMP uses.