Emergency Broadcast System & the Militia


New member
I've been thinking about this for a bit and decided to throw it out and get some feedback.

While listening to the radio in my car a few weeks ago, the broadcast was rudely interrupted by that annoying buzz/beep of the emergency broadcast system, "this is only a test." I began to think that this would be a perfect way to call up the militia.

The individual militia members could be fully anonymous, simply muster to a given location that would be indicated in something like the phone book. Those that mustered would then be counted, but not identified in any way. A practice muster every 6 months would establish an approximate number of individuals that would probably appear during an actual emergency.

Those that mustered could then be organized into ad-hoc squads for security patrols or if there is some sort of natural disaster, the militia members could volunteer for relief efforts, but not be compelled in any way. In a relief capacity, the militia muster would simply be a quasi-organized way to quickly volunteer.

I certainly don't expect our current keepers to embrace this idea, but I think it has some merit.

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi
You've sort of gotten me to think of another Idea. The liberal media has demonized militias by portraying them as Neo-nazi groups ready to take over america at the sound of a pin drop. The image of militias need to be changed. I know militia members are the nicest most God fearing people you will ever meet, but the liberal media and government doesn't see it that way. If militias mobilized during a natural disaster and helped in a relief effort I think the media might mellow up on its portrayal of militias. Just a thought.
Afraid I need a clarification here, the original thread mentioned something having to do with the emergency broadcast test being a way to call out the militia? What, every time we hear the beeps and buzzes? Or are you speaking of the system itself? Because it's just a network of commercial radio stations linked together. IOW, you're talking about buying an ad on the radio?
Larry P: Ad? No. The EBS is supposed to be used by the state and local governments to disseminate information and instructions regarding some sort of emergency. My idea is that it could also include instructions to the militia (all adult citizens and so on) to muster at their designated area.
My previous thread was about altering the image of militias, by showing them giving out a helping hand. I was a little off point but I do think it is somewhat of a good idea for militias to learn to moblize in the event of an emergency.
The Missouri 51st tries that constantly...they have resource for search & resque but the LEO's will not ask for help because the Governor wants it that way......and it conflicts with the Counties S&R team (funny thing two or three of the people on the team ARE 51st members..)