Elk Hunting in Cloud Peak Wilderness

Wooly Marmot

For my first year as a Wyoming resident I plan on hunting elk in a general unit with a general tag. I am thinking of hunting at the Cloud Peak Wilderness in units 36 and 37, hopefully with horses, as they are right next to me. However, I've been told that these areas are sorta mediocre and am wandering if I should instead drive farther west and hunt wilderness in an area like 56, 60, 67, 69, or 70. So, do you think I would be wasting my time hunting wilderness in 36 or 37 and you do think my week out in the woods elk hunting would be better spent elsewhere? Sharing and personal experience about Cloud Peak would be highly appreciated.
No you're not wasting your time hunting 36/37. I have had better luck in area 38, but there are elk, lots of elk in 36. I just hunt 38 because I know the area better.

If I was in your shoes, I'd put in for Area 38, if you don't get drawn then go the General Tag route for 36/37.

The advantage of Cloud Peak is that Area 36 has a lot of road/ATV hunters. They cant go into the Wilderness area, elk know this.

Horses can get into Cloud Peak.

The reason I like Area 38 is as I said, I know the area. I have a spot I have always seen elk. I'm old and lazy. I don't take my horses anymore. I go to my spot and wait. They will show up, I shoot them, unload my 4-Wheeler and drag them back to camp. My age and copd doesn't allow me to hump those mountains any more.

As a side note, start putting in for moose tags. Eventually you will get drawn. There are heck of a lot of moose up there. I don't think there was a day hunting elk the last two years I didn't see a moose.
Kraigwy, I wanted to try what you suggested (apply for 38 and then buy a general tag if I did not get drawn) but I was told that general tags were only for sale in the application period (Jan 1 to Jan 31), so by the time I found out if I was drawn or not, I wouldn't be able to a general tag if I was not. However, it appears that whoever told me that was wrong. How long are general tags for sale, because I will definitely be doing as you suggested from now on.

I will also be building up points for moose. I have seen a lot more moose in the Bighorns so far as than elk.
woolly general tags are sold throughout the season, either from F&G via mail or at any License Vender.

I think the Jan-31 deadline is for non-residents. The application date for resident tags in the end of may.

I normally don't apply until I find out the results of the moose draw. If I don't get a moose tag I put in for Area 1 as the first choice (its right up the road), and Area 38 as the second choice.

Check the regs, I think you can buy a General Tag over the counter right up until the last day of the season.
Thanks kraig. It appears the guy at Wyoming the people I was talking to thought I was talking about non-residents and were confused/misinformed about 1 or 2 or 3 things. With as many times as I have visited the Wyoming Game & Fish website page on elk, I have no idea how I missed that it says the application date for residents is Jan 1 through May 31 rather than Jan 1 through Jan 31 as I was told.